Chapter 56: Marriage.

Start from the beginning

As Jamie got undressed, Fred kept his eyes on her, the 14 hours they spent apart was too long for his liking. "You looked good carrying Rose."

"Your the second person who had said that, Gin also said it. Making me go a bit crazy with baby fever. " Jamie blushed as she pulled up her new dress. " Will you zip me up?"

"Turn around." Fred said, "Well why don't we make one?"

"Ugh, you know we both have plans at this moment in time. And I'm not 100% financially stable and I don't want to rely on you. I also want to be married before that. I do NOT want a baby bump in my wedding dress MR." Jamie said as she turned around and smiled at Fred.

"I agree. You know best sexy. " Fred said, grabbing hold of Jamie's hips and pulling her down onto his lap. " I love you." he said as he gave her a kiss.

"I love you." Jamie said back.


Everyone was seated and was waiting for Ginny to walk down the aisle. Harry stood at the altar twiddling his thumbs to keep his nerves but also excitement at bay. The music began to play and the bridesmaids started walking down the aisle. First Rhiannon and Hermione then Jamie and Luna.

Ginny came in in her sparkling gown arm linked with her dad with a bright smile on her face. As she got to the altar Mr Weasley passed Ginny to her future husband. Everyone sat down and the ceremony began.

Unlike the last Weasley wedding it wasn't during a war and everyone who wanted could attend. It reminded the whole family of how hard the past had been. Ginny and Harry spoke vows that could make anyone cry and it did bring a tear to the strong slytherin eye of Jamie. Once the two kissed the whole tent clapped and whooped with happiness.

"Give it up for Mr and Mrs Potter." Charlie shouted, making the whole tent cheer. The two walked out the tent and went to the next one which was attached to the Weasley home, this is where the party began and would last all night.

It was time for the newlyweds to have their first dance. Everyone stood at the side of the dance floor as Everybody loves somebody played. The couple swayed from side to side smiling at each other, seeming as if nobody else was in the room.

As the night continued everybody danced, ate and drank. Smiles were seen all around the room.

"J." Fred said as he came up to Jamie after dancing with his family. "Ah what a wonderful wedding. I hope ours is just as fun." He winked.

"I sure hope so." Jamie said as she took a sip of her drink. "This dance freddie."

The couple went to the dance floor and danced along to the music. Not following anyone else who was dancing .The pair were obviously tipsy, well maybe Jamie more than Fred and were having fun. After about twenty minutes of dancing Jamie told Fred she had sore feet, "Freddie my feet hurt." Jamie pouted.

"Take your shoes off darling." Fred said as he bent down and took off Jamie's shoes. "Better."

"Better." Jamie smiled, adoring her man, as they continued dancing.


As the night went on the tent got quieter and quieter until it was just the main group and Luna everyone else had gone home or gone to bed. The music was still blaring and everyone was still dancing and some even still drinking.

"For old time sake. I say we play a party game." Ginny said sitting down in what she felt was the first time all day.

"I agree. I feel too grown up right now." Harry said, earning a slap from Ginny.

"I'm down." Rhi and Jamie shouted.

"Alright pull up your chair to the dance floor and turn the music down." Ginny shouted and everyone commanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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