Chapter 52: It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Start from the beginning

"I think I'm moving back here. Miss the family." Charlie told Fred.

"No way. If you do, tell us and we'll help you." Fred said.


Eventually everyone had finished eating and it was time to open presents.

So everyone sat in the living room all being warmed by the blazing fire. All you could hear was happiness. Everyone chatting, sharing the Christmas spirit.

Jamie sat there with Rose on her knee while the Golden trio plus Ginny opened their gifts together. Jamie was filled with joy because everyone loved their gifts. Everyone gets their annual sweater from Molly.

Then the troublesome trio opened their gifts, the three of them giggling at the funny joke gifts they had been given. Some things never changed in the Weasley household and Jamie, George and Fred being the troublemakers who could light up a room with their humour.

Then Molly and Arthur opened their gifts. They appreciated anything they brought. Every year Arthur would get a new muggle product and this year  he had gotten an ipod. He was thrilled and said he would secretly use it when he was at work on the rare occasion he goes.

Finally Fred was to give Jamie her gift. She had no clue why he was to give it to her separately but she played along. So Jamie got off her seat and walked away from Fred to hand over Rose back to Ron. As she was doing so everyone was smiling at her.

As she turned around Fred was on one knee in the middle of the room.

Jamie felt like the whole world was frozen, her blue eyes locked with Fred's honey ones.

"Jamie West, will you marry me?"

Jamie being so stunned didn't answer straight away a smile just grew on her face as she stared into Fred's eyes he could tell what her answer would be.

"It would be an honour Fred Weasley" Jamie said walking closer to Fred.

Fred got off the floor and held onto Jamie's hand where he placed the ring on her finger.

Both of them kissed not giving a care in the world to those who saw them. But it wouldn't be a normal day if something stupid didn't happen.

"ewe." Could be heard from George. Making everyone laugh.

"Oh Merlin we are actually going to be related, well through marriage." Harry said as he shared a hug with his already adopted sister. "I know Harry." Jamie said into Harry's neck.

Jamie walked over to Fred and wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you so much." 

Fred kissed Jamie "I love you. You like the ring?"

"Yes I do, how did you get it? I could never find it after mum and dad passed away." Jamie asked.

"Well your mother was an amazing woman. She was amazing at telling the future and the summer the accident happened she told me where the ring was. So when you, me and mum were sorting the house out I went looking for the ring and found it. I have had it ever since. I was going to give it to you years ago when we turned 18 but I knew I would propose some day. So I kept it. "

"Oh I  love it. My mum and dad would be so happy about this. I need to tell Rhi asap." Jamie said, going over to the desk. Jamie knew that Rhiannon wouldn't be able to come over. She would be spending the day at her home as her dad was back from the hospital. He wasn't getting any better and wanted to be home for the holidays to see Rhiannon and Romeo.

Dear Rhi,

Oh my Merlin. I am now writing to you as future Mrs Weasley. Fred did it he actually proposed. With the family ring he has had it since my mother and father passed. Can't wait to gossip when we get back. Hope your family is well. Say hi to your dad and Ro.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now