Chapter 44: New addition.

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"Lunch break?" Rhi said.

"Well he needs a job as he is homeless and has no cash." Jamie said.

"So where is he staying?" Rhi asked.

"No clue. I let him stay the last couple of nights as I didn't want him wandering around." Jamie said.

Romeo walked out and went to sit next to Jamie on the couch until Fred moved and sat next to Jamie. Leaving Romeo to sit next to his sister.

"Are you really homeless and have no money?" Rhiannon asked her brother.

"Yup. I guess J told you what happened. I have been staying at Pucey's. I got a job in the alley. I'm doing alright." He told his sister.

"So you're not here to creep on Jamie and don't call her J." Rhiannon said, knowing only Fred calls her that.

"Nope, why would I do that? We are friends." Romeo said and Jamie nodded.

"So you're not here to take back my girlfriend." Fred interrupted.

"No. Jamie is just a friend. I gave her up for you Fred. Why would I take her away." Romeo responded, giving Fred new information and making Jamie smile.

"Ro is just a friend he has been for years. Friends can hang out and boyfriends and other friends shouldn't suspect anything they hear from a ratty ex." Jamie said out loud. Letting Fred Know she disapproved of Fred believing Angelina.

"Well some of us have insecurities." Fred said. George, Rhiannon and Romeo all backing away to the kitchen. So they could hear the argument that is about to happen but not be part of it.

"Well someone shouldn't have insecurities. Especially not about their girlfriend cheating." Jamie said.

"Well sometimes when an ex is seen with my girlfriend I get worried." Fred shouted back.

"I have no clue why. I have a perfect boyfriend that I love which I left my ex for which the ex suggested." Jamie shouted back.

"Sometimes love is ignored." Fred shouted back.

"Well I don't ignore it. Why would I cheat on you Fred. I have followed you around like a puppy since we were 11 as I was in love with you. It's been ten years." Jamie said back, she held her tears back as she never liked crying.

"10 years?" Fred questioned.

"Fred, you know this. When I met you on the train I fancied you. I would never cheat on you. " Jamie said.

"But." Fred said point to where Romeo was.

"I was a distraction." Romeo said.

"It was easier to have a distraction while you were dating Angelina and other girls." Jamie huffed. "Romeo even knew we weren't anything serious. He fancied Penelope Clearwater , yes Percy's ex." Jamie said.

"See problem solved." George said, receiving a smile from Jamie.

"I don't know why there was a problem in the first place. Most probs because my boyfriend is petty." Jamie smiled.

Before Fred could disprove of the statement a Jack Russel patronous lit up the living room. "Oh God. Jamie it's happening I need you. I think I'm going to faint." Ron's voice could be heard.

Jamie jumped up and grabbed her want. "Hermione's in Labour." Jamie said before she apparated away.


As soon as Jamie got to the hospital Molly was there to greet her.

"Where is she mum?" Jamie asked.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora