Chapter 42: Double date.

Start from the beginning

Jamie put her porridge down on the nightstand and walked over to Hermione to help her pull her shirt over Hermione's now large round stomach. "Bloody wish this baby would come." Hermione huffed. 

"You have two weeks that is all, then you will have a baby Weasley or Granger running around." Jamie said hoping to make Hermione feel better as Jamie sat on the bed eating her food. 

"Yer and you better be their godmother. Because I can not handle Ron now let alone while i'm pushing out his child." Hermione said with a smile. 

"I promise you I will be there. I will be right by your side as soon as I find out you're birthing my godchild. " Jamie smiled. "What do you hope the gender will be?" 

"Good question. I want a girl but Ron thinks it will be a body due to the strong Weasley genes of boys." Hermione answered. 

"Well I hope it's a girl. Then we can dress her up and spoil her rotten."  Jamie said getting giddy about how she would soon have a child that she could spoil. 

"Oh imagine. But we should stop dreaming about me giving birth to a girl because it could equally be a boy." 

"Very true Hermione But talking about girls, where is Gin because I know she is back from her first quidditch match as a professional and I need to talk to her about it." Jamie asked Hermione. 

"Either in her room or outside practising. Want me to come with you, if she's outside I could do with some fresh air." 

"Yer ,come on." Jamie said as she stood up and took Hermione's hand and grabbed the now empty bowel. 

The girls walked to Harry and Ginny's room and it was empty meaning Ginny was in the garden. The girls walked down stairs and back to the kitchen. 

"Oh my Merlin. What are you doing back." Fred said as Jamie walked into the kitchen. 

"Nice to see you too. I'm trying to find Gin. I suppose she is outside." Jamie said, looking at Harry. 

"Yup." Harry replied. 

"Well get out." Fred said. 

"Was about to anyway. If you're this secretive this date night better be good." Jamie giggled as she left out the back door with Hermione. 

"Well he sounds a bit pissy." Hermione commented. 

"Him and George are planning a date night. I just think he wants it to be perfect."  Jamie answered, looking for Ginny. 

Eventually Ginny spotted the girls and came down from flying. "hey girls." 

"Hey Gin." Jamie said. 

"Should we go and chill in the quidditch shed it's cold outside and I think if Jamie walks through the kitchen again Fred's head will blow off." Hermione said. 

"Sounds good, why can't Jamie walk into the kitchen though?" Ginny asked. 

"Fred and George are planning a date night for tonight." Jamie said and Ginny nodded. 

The three girls walked into the quidditch shed and sat down on the plastic chairs that were in there. Over the years the shed had gone from being storage to having all the quidditch things in it and having a heater and chairs for when the siblings were playing and needed a break. 

"Turn on the heater please Gin." Hermione asked and Ginny obeyed. 

"So how was your first professional match? " Jamie asked Ginny and her face lit up. 

"It was bloody amazing. I have never felt so good on the pitch. The whole team is amazing and i'm the seeker that makes me the most important and I love how I get to catch the snitch. When I did catch the snitch the crowd went wild and I don't think I had smiled so much. You will have to come to one of my matches." 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now