Chapter 39: Fun day at Burrow.

Start from the beginning

"Can you get out? I want to get change into something not wet." Jamie said utterly pissed off sitting back on the bed next to Fred avoiding the wet patches. 

"Nope." George said. 

Jamie huffed and walked over to the twins wardrobe and got some clothes out for herself ,Fred following behind her as he also wanted to change. Jamie and her dramatic ass stomped out the room and walked into the bathroom locking the door behind her. She turned on the shower and before she could take off the wet shirt there was a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Who is it?" Jamie asked. 

"Fred can I come in please." 

Jamie opened the door and let Fred in and went back to what she was doing. She took off her wet clothes and got into the shower while Fred spoke to her. 

"I'm sorry about that?"  

"About what, you didn't do anything. " Jamie replied. 

"I know but there my siblings." Fred said. 

"They are practically my siblings as well. I'm going to hit one of them with a beaters bat at some point." Jamie said back as she let the water in the shower cover her skin. 

"One day they will be your siblings fully that day you will be Mrs Weasley." Fred said very confidently. 

"Oh really when will that be?" Jamie replied 

"One day J, I just don't know yet." 

"Well we aint planning any wedding you have to propose first. Also are you getting in or standing there boner boy." Jamie said. 

"Oi rude. " Fred said as he stripped and got in the shower. 

Fred moved closer to Jamie in the shower and Jamie gave Fred a kiss which he immediately welcomed. The pair washed each other's hair Jamie making Fred's bright red hair go silky. After they washed each other's hair they washed each other it wasn't meant to be in a sexual way but Fred was involved. 

"Fred you're getting a bit touchy." Jamie said as Fred's hand lingered over her breasts. 

"What's wrong with that J?" Fred said as he kissed Jamie then moved over to the crook of her neck, hinting he wanted some action. 

"Freddie, your family are in the house." 

"It's never stopped us before." Fred said still kissing Jamie she did nothing to stop it. She was enjoying herself as she moved her head back in pleasure. 

Fred's hands moved to Jamie's hips as hers went around his neck. The two joined lips kissing under the shower. Jamie's hands moved from Fred's neck down the front of his body over his abs to his hard dick. She started to stroke it slowly as Fred let out a small grunt. 

"You need to be quiet Freddie, you don't want the family to hear." Jamie said in a seductive voice.  

"I don't care."Fred said as he smiled at Jamie while she pumped his length. 

Jamie continued what she was doing until Fred was close to release and Fred moved away." You want to do this?" 

"Yes." Jamie said as her lips connected with Fred's neck leaving a purple bruise.

"Jump then." Jamie did what Fred asked as she jumped and Fred held onto her. 

Jamie's back connected with the cold wall in the shower as she was pinned against the wall by Fred attacking her neck leaving purple and red marks. Jamie's hands going to Fred's back lightly scratching it. Both of the pair were very eager to have sex as it had been a number of days since the last time they had done anything. 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now