Chapter 32: Invite.

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"Whoo Rhi long time no see. "Jamie smiled pulling Harry up to a chair. She then slapped him  on the cheek gently and got a glass of water for him. "Yo Potter drink this." 

"Err what is it vodka?" Harry questioned. 

"I wish. It's water we are home.  " Jamie told Harry  ignoring everyone in the room and not even noticing Fred yet. 

"Oh where's Ron?" 

"Hermione got him. Good job Ginny isn't here." Jamie laughed so did Harry. Then they both grunted as there headaches started to kick in. Then Jamie sat down and looked at her surroundings. That's when she noticed Fred was sat at the table next to George and he was seeing her in this state. 

"Wait." Jamie pointed to t he twins. " Am i still plastered or are both the twins here? "Jamie asked. 

"We are both here." George responded. 

"Ahhh. Well Hello. "Jamie smiled then gulped. "Mrs Weasley do you happen to have any special brew, maybe to cure two raging head aches." Jamie smiled at Molly. 

"Here. "Molly handed Jamie two vials. She downed one then forced one down Harry's throat. 

"Sorry long night." Jamie said to the table. 

"Looks like it where did you go?" Rhiannon asked. 

"Well first we went clubbing and met Seamus and Neville."   Jamie said. 

"Then Jamie brought us all shots like so many. We all got hammered." Harry said Jamie went red in the face. 

"Thanks for that Harry. Worth it though haven't been out in ages. Then we ate food I think. I even think we ran into Draco that was fun. Then between coming home Harry passed out and Ron vomited all over the garden sorry." Jamie told the group. 

"Wow so big night. Who's idea was it?" Fred eventually piped up. 

"Ron and mine." Harry said. "Also Jamie flash- " 

"Harry what did I say." Jamie said to Harry. The two then bursting into giggles.  "Well now you know how are night was I think me and Harry are going to catch some Z's" Jamie said as her and Harry got up. 

The pair quickly walked upstairs to there rooms Harry went in his room and Jamie collapsed onto a bed in the twins room. 


Hours later Jamie woke up to her three best friends in the room with her. 

"Well hello you lot. "Jamie said as she woke up. It looked like she fell asleep on Fed's bed. Well it was closest to the door. All the others were sat on George's bed. 

"Well hello. You owe me galleons." George shouted out. 

"What why?" Jamie asked. 

"You drank my firewhiskey." George answered. Jamie lent over and put her hand under the bed and pulled out a empty bottle. 

"This was under Fred's bed not yours." Jamie said. 

"What? How did you know that was under there?" Fred asked trying not to start a argument or any crying . 

"I know everything Freddie." Jamie smiled. "So what you losers in here for?" 

"Why didn't you tell me your were going out? "Rhiannon asked. 

"Didn't feel the need to inform you. Plus I was just here and then Ron and Harry dragged me out. I didn't get much say."  

"So why are you in party clothes." Rhiannon asked and Jamie looked down at herself she was in fact in a party outfit. 

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن