Chapter 3: Meeting with the Traitor

Start from the beginning

"He is," Sirius reassured me, before he went on to explain the events of that night to me in exact detail. After he had finished his statement, Sirius pulled out the newspaper clipping of the Weasleys and pointed at the rat. "Don't you recognize him? Think about it. I know it's been a while."

"No, no I would have known!" I exclaimed looking away. This was far too much for me. How could I have lived with my best friend's murder for all these years and not have figured it out?

"You thought he was dead so it would have made sense if you didn't recognize him. Beside you were never really around us when we transformed because you hate rats," Sirius comforted. "He's been around for 12 years! He is missing a toe! All they could find of Peter was his finger!"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I shouted. "I had to live with him! Lily was my best friend, Sirius! How could you not have told me?!"

"I didn't know where he had gone. This isn't your fault. I only realized that he was the rat when they won the trip to Egypt. Besides, I couldn't tell you that with hundreds of dementors around us!" He answered.

Peter was living with me for twelves years after he destroyed our lives. I'd kill him for this. I'd bring him back to the Ministry and had them preform the dementor's kiss on him. 

"It doesn't matter now," I snarled. "I'll turn him right now. He will pay for what he did!"

"No!" Sirius exclaimed. 

That earned him one peculiar look from me. "You want me to sit around and wait?"

"Well, yes, darling, I'm sorry. I want do it," Sirius replied. "That's why I'm coming to Hogwarts. I will be the one to bring Peter down for everything and for sending me away and taking me away from you, Harry and Remus!"

"You're not doing this alone," I told him, kindly. "We are doing this together as team. We were always a team, Sirius."

"We still are a team and can work together once I am at Hogwarts with you. For now, you need to return home. You have a job you need to maintain. You have your friends and your entire life waiting for you. If you leave with me you will lose it," Sirius reminded me. 

"None of it matters if I don't have you! I just got you back. I won't lose you," I trembled, tears filling my eyes. "Losing you broke me."

"Don't cry. I'm here now and nothing will ever take me away from you again. Not even death. I won't ever let us be separated again. I think the worst part about being in Azkaban was not waking up to you anymore," Sirius confessed. I smiled at that. So this is what would happen. We would wait till Hogwarts to defeat Peter. "So tell me, how's your life?"

I wouldn't tell me about Severus. That would just completely ruin the moment. So I said, "I've got an adoptive son named Andrew. He's the sweetest little baby alive, Sirius. I love him so much. Remus is going well, he will be teaching at Hogwarts this year with me. And I've been reunited with Harry. He's such an amazing boy. He looks more like James everyday."

"A little son? Isn't that just amazing? Andrew probably has the best mother in the world now. I can't wait to meet him. I'm happy Remus is going well. I miss him so much. He'll do a great job as a teacher," Sirius answered. "As for Harry, I'm happy you are all together. I'm happy he's doing well. I can't wait till Andrew, Remus, Harry, you and I are all united again."

Before I could say anything else Cornelius' patronus found us as his voice boomed through, "Stacey, Sirius Black has escaped! Percy told me you left the Burrow. What were you thinking?! Get back now to the Burrow now!!"

"And you work for them," Sirius chuckled. 

"Yes I do. They are getting suspicious of me," I admitted. "I suppose I should be getting back before they come looking."

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