Chapter 1: Disappearance

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The Weasley family were all sitting around the table waiting for Clyde so that they could start breakfast. They heard a door slam shut before heavy footsteps banged onto the stairs. They looked up, curious as to what had Clyde so jumpy this morning. He flew into the kitchen with Andrew in one arm and a note crumbled in the other hand. 

"Stacey's gone!" Clyde yelled. "She packed her stuff and left in the night and I don't know where she went!"

"Why would she leave with Sirius Black -"

They were cut off when someone began to pound at their door. For a moment, everyone's heart stopped out of fear that it would be Sirius. Who else would come down so early? The banging grew louder so Arthur, Bill and Clyde all pulled out their wands and went to the door. Molly held Andrew securely in her arms as the rest of them anxiously peered over to catch a glimpse of who the person was. 

The door opened the reveal a frantic Severus. In one of his hands he had the Daily Prophet which was titled about Sirius' escape. It became obvious to everyone that as soon as he saw he titled, he panicked and went to search for Stacey. 

"Where's Stacey?" He demanded. Severus shoved past the three men and walked into different rooms, hoping to find her. He looked vulnerable without her.

Bill closed the door behind him as he muttered, "Oh sure, Professor Snape, come on in ..."

Severus didn't pay attention to the sarcastic comments. He had more important matters on his mind. He spotted Molly entering the room with Andrew and the other children. His eyes widened at the sight of Andrew as he sighed, "So she is here. She wouldn't leave Andrew behind."

"I'm sorry, but she isn't here. She left. Clyde was just about to explain to us what happened. Please Severus, sit down," Molly ushered calmly. 

He obeyed but not before wishing Andrew. Severus took a single seat beside the fireplace as he angrily threw the newspaper into the fire. He noticed how restless Andrew seemed. 

Molly caught his eye and explained, "Yes, he will be restless without Stacey. He has grown to be exceptionally dependent on her."

A nod was all she got from Severus before he asked, "Clyde, where is she?"

"That's the thing I don't know but she left a note-" 

Once again, Clyde's explanation was cut short by another knock on the door. This one didn't seem as threatening or violent as Severus'. Fred went to open the door and as soon as he did, Remus walked in.

Fred watched him, shocked, as Remus hung up his coat and said, "Ah, hello Fred."

"Sorry sir but who are you?" Fred pondered. 

Remus had forgotten that he was never introduced to the Weasley children despite the fact that he knew their parents. Remus nodded quickly and brushed off the matter, "Yes, yes, you don't know me. That's fine for now. Now, where are your parents?"

He walked away leaving a confused Fred behind him. Remus walked into the living room to see everyone there. He was immediately followed by Fred who sat beside his twin to explain the odd encounter. 

Once Remus walked into the room and wished Arthur and Molly before he saw a child sitting with Ginny. He looked at Andrew before looking at Severus with his mouth open. 

"You and Stacey had kids? Oh goodness no - wait, no he doesn't look anything like you or her. Who is he?" Remus questioned. 

"Stacey's adoptive son, Andrew. It was a huge matter and she was going to tell you about it when she visited you because it was too much for one letter," Clyde explained before chuckling. "Don't worry, they didn't have children yet. Everyone freaks out when they think Stacey is pregnant no matter which guy." 

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