Senior Trip.

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"AHH" Win scream as he fell off the bed. He groaned in pain as he fell ass first on the floor.

"Make it stop" Win heard Bright whine from under the covers. Win rolled his eyes and stood up to cut the alarm off, it was 3:55 in the morning.

"Bright" Win said in a groggy voice "we need to get up, did you finish packing?"

Bright stirred around in the bed but didn't answer the question.

"It's your fault you know" win yelled as he walked into the bathroom
"You knew we had to be up but you still choose to play around last night.

It is true, both boys needed to be up early today, why? Because it was the time of the year students loved and teachers hated. It was the annual senior trip.

Every year the seniors of the school are brought to a mini-vacation area to relax before exams came up. This year the students were going to a resort located on an island.

The teachers for the seniors were the chaperons, they needed to be at the school by 5 but Bright being horny made both boys only get about 4 hours of sleep.

They might not be having sex but they sure do get off a lot.

" I'm sorry Win but you just looked so cute when you walked out of my bathroom" Bright mumbled as he lazily wrapped his arms around Win's waist.

"Doesn't matter. After the first time, you should've stopped" Win pouted looking at Bright through the mirror
"You weren't telling me to stop when I had my fin-" "STOP TALKING!" Win shouted.

Bright smirk and left the bathroom.


It didn't take long for both boys to get ready. By the time Brights car was packed it was only 4:30.

Bright had dropped Win off at his place so he could finish packing himself.

The students didn't need to be at school until 7, so as soon as he went inside he packed the rest of his belongings and went to sleep, not forgetting to set an alarm to wake up.


Win groaned at the sound of his phone going off, he didn't want to wake up just yet.

He pushed himself up and looked to the clock, it said 6:07. Win then frowned, he had about 30 minutes left before he needed to be up.

Win sighed and grabbed his phone to check his notifications. He saw it was a private text from Gun.

Win is it cool if I stick to your side most of the trip? I know Brights gonna be there but Tay and New aren't talking and I and Off aren't really on speaking terms either...

Don't worry Gun I wouldn't mind but we are going to have to fix the problem with Tay and New, I hate that there not talking.

Right!?? I asked New and he doesn't even know himself. He said Tay just started avoiding him out of nowhere.

Do you know what's wrong?

Win didn't know if it was okay to tell Gun about Tays crush on New. He knows they are all friends but he doesn't want Tay to get angry for betraying his trust, on the other hand, he wants to be able to have Gun's opinions on what they should do to make them talk again.

It's been so weird for the last month whenever all four of them hung out.

Win asked Tay if he confessed his feelings but Tay told him he chicken out and that he wasn't ready.

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