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The bell finally rang for the last class of the day. Win was nervous. He didnt know what to expect, this would be the first time hed be left alone with Mr. Vachirawit for more than 5 minutes, they would even have to be close to eachother. Win didnt want to feel this way, he didnt like feeling nervous, and he had no idea why it was Mr. Vachirawit to make him feel this way.

Maybe I just need to get a girlfriend win thought, he hasn't dated in a while since his last girlfriend cheated on him. He hasn't talked to her in months.

Win made his way to the library, finding a spot in the back so he could look out the window at the clouds. Once he was settled he took his phone out to text Mr. Vachirawit, he hadn't texted him before because he never knew what to say.

Win: Mr. Vachirawit I'm in the library waiting.

Mr. Vachirawit:
Okay I'm just cleaning up a few things, I'll be there in a bit.

Win: yes sir

Mr. Vachirawit:
When were alone like this you can call me bright, okay?

A blush appeared on wins face. Bright? What a cute name. He thought

Win: okay...bright :)

Win put his phone away and turned to look out the window, there was barely anyone in the library except for 2 students, the librarian, and win ofcourse.

20 minutes had passed and bright finally made it to the library. When he got there he looked for win, the librarian had said he went to the back, when he came to, he saw win sleeping. He smiled at his cuteness, wins lips were in a pout and his cheeks looked puffy.

Bright approached the sleeping boy and stared at him, admiring his flawless features, after some time he woke up the boy.

"Win" bright whispered softly. Win stirred a little but didn't wake up, bright smiled and leaned in towards his ear
"Win you have to wake up" he said a little louder. Wins eyes rushed open looking straight into Mr. Vachirawit brown ones. They stayed like that until they heard someone drop a book. Mr. Vachirawit backed up and sat next to win

"Did I make you wait long" bright joked. Win, still sleepy, simply shook his head no as he rubbed his eyes. Bright smiled again to then bring out a math book.

"Okay well I see you have everything out already.." he trailed off to turn to a page in the book "were having a quiz on the last chapter we went over when I got here" bright explained. Win shook his head and grabbed his book to turn to the page Mr. Vachirawit was on.

For a while it was hard for win to actually understand what Mr. Vachirawit was talking about. All I could here was letters and numbers.

Who in their right mind thought it was alright to make letters equal numbers? Win thought.

He was frustrated once again, and Mr. Vachirawit took notice of it. He felt bad for win, he knows what it's like to struggle with something that was seen as easy to everyone else.

"How about we take a break?" Mr. Vachirawit suggested. Win huffed and slammed his head down on the table.
"Its alright win, I know how you're feeling. I had to go to summer school all because I failed math, you'll get there at some point" Mr. Vachirawit did the unexpected and rubbed wins back, which made win get goosebumps. His heart started beating faster and his breathing was shakey.

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