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It was after school, and for like the 6th time in the past 2 weeks, Bright had been sitting at a bar while he had a depressed Off next to him.

Bright groaned, wishing he was with Win right now. But Bright knew he needed to be there for his friend.

The past 2 weeks were hectic for Bright and Win. They spent most of their time apart then with each other.

They both were on the sidelines of Off and Gun's so-called break-up.

If Bright wasnt with Win or working, he'd be at a bar listening to a drunk Off talk about how he hated himself, and how he was going to miss Gun.

"Every time I think about it, I feel even more disgusted with myself." Off ranted. "How could I do that to someone who I'd know since they were 15? It doesn't matter if we both liked each other, I was the adult. Why can't he see he could be doing so much better in life without me."

Off had been in a similar situation when he was in highschool, falling for an older adult who took advantage of the fact his parents weren't around and was neglected. It made him feel guilty for pursuing this relationship with Gun. The consequences of what could happen if anyone found out. The reality set into motion when he found his old yearbook. It was fair to keep this thing going  no matter how much it hurt him to let it go. No matter how difficult it was for him or Gun.

Bright wasn't sure on what to say but for some reason it made him question his relationship with Win as well.

For Win, it was the opposite. Gun was heartbroken, but instead of crying like he did the first night, they broke up. Gun started partying, a lot. Every night he seemed to find time to go to a club and get drunk, find a guy, then come to school with sunglasses and hickeys.

Win didn't like seeing his friend like this. Gun, before, would never have agreed to go out on school nights to get drunk, he was more of a stay inside and watch anime type of person. The changes in Gun scared Win. Not only because of all the alcohol but the boys Gun attracted. Some of them wouldn't leave Gun alone and would beg for relationships. Gun of course would refuse, but they didn't leave him be.

Gun was lucky to live alone Win thought. He moved out on his 18th birthday and moved closer to the school. Even though Gun was the oldest he sure had a way of still holding on to his child like behavior.

When Gun turned 18 he had a plan for himself but when 19 came around it was as if those plans changed. That he stopped putting his wants first. It scared Win to see that happen but after finding out about him and Off , it made to much sense.

Bright and Win seemed to be drifting apart before they even were able to get into a relationship.

Bright had just confessed to Win, but Win felt like they were already on the verge of being like Off and Gun.

Over the time they were apart it also seemed like something was wrong with the two boys' relationship as well. Since Bright's confession, Wins sensed a tension between them, like Bright, was mad at him or something.

Win didn't know if it was because of the lack of time they spent together or something else. Win feared that Bright wanted to take back everything he had said weeks before.

Win also felt bad at the fact that he never really got around to telling Bright about his feelings. The time they were able to spend together, they spent most of it making out or Bright tutoring Win for math.

Win wanted to plan a special date so he could ask Bright to officially be his boyfriend. But with the way things are going with both Off and Gun, it seemed like Win would have to wait a while.

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