I still love you.

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Win was at Brights doorstep. He wasnt sure if this was a good time or not.

The last text he had sent to the older was 30 minutes ago, but he didnt get a response.  So win was outside, waiting.

He first wanted to make sure that his confession was in order. Hearing what New said really helped Win.

All this time he thought if you were going to tell someone your feelings about them, youd do it somewhere special. That's what his mother taught him.

But when Bright confessed, they were in there schools library. 

Win didnt know where the courage he had that day came from when he first told Bright he loved him.

He just felt it was the right thing say because that's what he was feeling at the moment. Win kind of wish that courage would come back to him.

After 5 more minutes of waiting Win knocked on the door. He didn't know if bright was sleeping so he knocked again, and again, and again until finally the door swung open revealing a sleepy Bright.

"Win?" Bright asked rubbing his eyes "whatre you doing here?"

Win couldnt speak, his mind was blank as he stared at his teacher.

How could someone look so beautiful even after waking up? Win asked himself.

Bright noticing Win not speaking got concerned

"A-Are you okay?" Bright asked. Win came back to his senses and smiled
"Yes, I just wanted to see you. I want to talk."

The older nodded and sighed for him to come in. Both boys made their way to the living room.

Bright had all the curtains closed making it dark inside, only the light that was seen was from  above the stove in the kitchen.

"Sorry it's so dark in here, I had a migraine earlier. " Bright explains
"Its okay we can talk like this." They both sat down and stayed in complete silence.

Win was still thinking on how he would confess, so many emotions started forming inside of him, while Bright was nervous on the youngers behavior.

Bright missed Win terribly, but he was also hurt by him aswell. He knew that Win loved him but he didnt know if it was just in a friendly way.

Yeah they've made out and other stuff but Bright wanted more, he wanted to be his lover, someone to find comfort in all the time.

But Bright knew Win was still young and probably still coming to terms with his sexuality, so he didn't want to rush him.

"Win, is everything okay?" Bright asked
"No" Win whispered "it's not alright"
"What's the problem then?" Bright questioned
"I think about you all the time" Win confessed "I hate when you're not around, and I hate when I cant see you or talk to you. You make me feel things I've never felt for a person before, feelings that I didnt even know I had. Since you came into my life it just seemed like every thing has changed" Win breathed out .

Bright wasn't sure were Win was going with this, so he stayed silent to let him finish.

"I know you've been avoiding me lately or at least distancing yourself from me. Why?" Win asked not looking at bright.

"I'm not avoi-"

"STOP!" Win shouted "I just want an answer, please?" Bright looked down at his fingers
"I'm just giving you space I guess" Bright mumbled
"Space?" Win scoffed "I don't want space from you...didnt you here me say I hate when your not around? Sometimes I feel if I'm without you I cant breathe, that without you i wouldn't know how to function. I've been by myself most of my life, I dont have many friends who actually care for me, and I've never been in love" Win yelled.

Bright moved closer to Win to wipe his tears, Win didnt even know he was crying at this point.

"I'm sorry Win, I didn't think youd notice" Bright sighed
"Of course I would, wouldnt you notice if someone who youre inlove with was  trying to get away from you?" Win asked.

Bright paused for a second

Did he say "inlove with" ?

"Yes" Win said, Brights eyes widen and looked to Win who was already staring at him.

"W-What?" Bright asked can he fucking read minds???????

"The question you asked me in the library, when you asked if I love you the same way you love me......the answer" Win held Brights hand "the answer is yes"

Bright was lost for words, is this for real he thought to himself. Was win confessing?

"I'm sorry it took so long.....but Bright.....I love you, I'm inlove with you....I dont know if we'll end up like Off and Gun but I dont care. I want you in my life for as long as I can have you, i dont care if I'm only 17, and that you're my teacher or-or that you're older than me. I-Im happy with you, I d-dont want to ever leave your s-side" win started crying again.
"I-Im sorry....f-for everything I-I p-put you through, b-but I'll change, I-ill do a-anything for you a-as long as y-youll have me"

Bright smiled while watching the younger, he didnt think Wins feeling for him were this intense. He was happy to know that his feeling were reciprocated. Bright brought Win into a hug, letting Win get all his tears out.

After some time passed. Win finally calmed down and was sniffling.



"Do you still love me?"

Bright smiled then released them from the hug, he brought his hand to Wins cheek and leaned in to give the younger a kiss.

It was quick, but all the emotions the boys were feeling for one another poured out. Breaking the kiss, Bright looked Win deep in the eyes.

"I still love you"


Since it took forev4r to update for you guys. I thought I'd you give you another chapter for today ☺.

Enjoy 💕💕💕💕💕.

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