This feeling?

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Win didn't know why he started feeling this way. He was not the type to be nervous. Mr. Vachirawit has been the only person who made him flustered and blushed so hard.

That was wins job to do that. Why was it happening to him, and all because a teacher would be tutoring him tomorrow?

As soon as win left the classroom he got in his car and hurried back to his little (not little) apartment.

Yes, win has his place, but that's because his parents wanted him to be independent since he was now a senior. He also has a job, not to pay the bills, but just so he can buy groceries and clothes.

Once he made it home he went to his couch and plopped down thinking about the events that took place today.

Good thing it was Thursday, so that meant he didn't need to go to his part-time job.

See win may have rich parents but they also wanted to make sure he had his independence as well. So when win got into the 12 grade they gave him his own place, and force win into a job. Win is okay with it since it's simple, he works at a coffee shop, it wasn't really bad and it paid pretty well.

Win got off his couch and went to the kitchen to heat some leftovers his mom sent him from Japan.
He stood there eating still thinking about how he was on the verge of kissing Mr. Vachirawit, and how tomorrow he was gonna be tortured by him.

Win wasn't ready for that, he was straight, he shouldn't be feeling this way about another guy, and not just that this guy is a teacher. Relationships with teachers and students were something foreign to win. He's heard of it before but never witnessed it.

After his dinner, shower, quiet panic attack about Mr. Vachirawit. Win was finally able to sleep.

The next morning win woke up with a loud groan as his alarm went off. He didn't feel like going to school today, it was one of those days the best felt like the best place to be, he got out of bed and took a shower followed by his morning routine.

By the time he got his clothes on win remember something, Mr. Vachirawit would be tutoring him today, soon a smile ran across win face, and he quickly got dress to get in his car then speed to school.

When win got there he headed to the cafeteria to grab a quick breakfast. As he got in he saw Mr. Vachirawit talking to his history teacher Mr. Jumpol. Win frowned at that and went in further to see gun sitting down at the table ignoring earth while he looked at Mr. Vachirawit and Mr. Jumpol.

Win was confused by the action but just assumed he was staring off into space.

"Hey guys" win greeted the two boys
"Hey win," they said in unison
"You got here early, are you meeting someone," earth asked taking food off of gun try, while gun was still looking at the teachers
"No, I just woke up early and decided to just come here" earth nodded his head and went back to eating his food.

Win tapped gun thigh and looked at him.
"Why are you looking at them?" Win whispered. Gun eyes widen and avoided wins gaze
"U-Um no r-reason just thinking about something" gun gave a reassuring smile and win just nodded.

After breakfast, they all went to class. Win was glaring over at Mr. Vachirawit from time to time. He looked handsome in his outfit today, since it was a casual Friday for the teachers, he only wore a black sweater with tan pants.

Win made it to his first period which was science, the teacher's name was Mr. Laedeke (drake), this class was one of wins favorites, besides Mr. Vachirawit of course, win liked science and all the projects that came with it.

2 more classes then I can see Mr. Vachirawit win thought while he packed up leaving his first period.

The rest of the classes went by slow, win was groaning while staring at the clock. He wanted to see Mr. Vachirawit, he didn't know why, but he knew seeing his face would make his day brighter.

Finally, the bell rang for the next class, and win bolted out of the classroom. He didn't want to run because that would be suspicious, so he sped walked until he met Mr. Vachirawit door. When he got inside of the class he didn't see Mr. Vachirawit yet which made win frown, on the other hand, gun and earth were already inside talking.

He sat down next to gun and waved at them both.
"Wow win, ever since Mr. Vs been here your attendance in this class has become remarkable" earth dramatically said clapping his hands
"Shut up, I'm just trying to make sure I pass this exam" win defended
"Oh that's right I heard you're getting tutored by him today," gun said finally speaking.
"Howd y-" "Hello everyone nice to see you" In came Mr. Vachirawit with his heartwarming slime and happy attitude.
"Take our your textbooks and turn to 257" everyone gladly did just that.

Throughout the whole class win, he couldnt keep his eyes off Mr. Vachirawit. He didn't know why but he just really liked staring at him, he wanted nothing more for them just to be alone right now.

Mr. Vachirawit caught win staring at him a couple of times, he thought hed shy way, but win never took his eyes off him. Mr. Vachirawit wanted to assume it was because he was just daydreaming. But he couldn't lie and say he didn't like the stares.

He loved it, he loved that win hadn't taken his eyes off him for a majority of the class, he wanted nothing more than to pin him to a wall, make out, and tell him how beautiful he was.

It was driving brights mind crazy, but he kept his cool since he was still in front of the other students.

Class finally ended and everyone was sad. It was funny how Mr. Vachirawit made going over exponential functions fun.

Win was finally pulled from his trance when gun tapped him on his shoulder.
"Win? Why did you keep staring at Mr. Vachirawit?" Gun whispered. It was obvious he didn't want win to be embarrassed
"I don't know...I just liked his outfit"
"Okay? Well, I'll see you in lunch alright?" Win shook his head and gun left while earth trailed behind him.

Everyone was out of the classroom and it was just bright and win. Win was still putting up his books and cleaning his mess, while Mr. Vachirawit was stacking some papers.

Win eyed him then finally walked towards his desk.
"Um, Mr. Vachirawit?" Win called out
"Y-yes" Mr. Vachirawit stuttered, he was shocked to see win still here but also nervous that they were alone, he didn't know how much control he had left.
"W-well I was wondering what time do you want me to meet you in the know for....t-touring" Mr. Vachirawit moved a little closer when he grabbed a paper off a students desk
"Well straight after the bell rings so maybe 2 ?"
"Alright" win breathed out
"Yeah" Mr. Vachirawit responded

Here they were again. Staring in each other's eyes, they both subconsciously moved closer to each other forgetting about everything around them. They seemed to get closer and closer until someone knocked on the door. They jumped at the sudden disturbance and moved away from each other.

"Okay win I'll see you around 2," Mr. Vachirawit said, and win quickly left the classroom waiting for after school.


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