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"4x + 7y..." Win murmurs to himself, patting his pen on the top of his head. The tall male angrily stares down at his math homework, soon throwing his pen across the room in anger.
"Why the fuck do they teach Algebra?"

Win scratched the back of his nape as he got up to go to the kitchen and grab a snack.

He groaned as he munched down on his Pringles.

Bright was supposed to come to his place after school so he could help him with his homework. But he was stuck in another meeting.

Win missed the older so much. After they confessed to each other they both took the week off, not caring if people had suspicions about them.

They'd been going through a lot, and just wanted to spend time with each other.

Win was able to see his friends as well but spent most of his week off with the teacher.

But when Monday came they were back to their old selves.

They couldn't hold hands, kiss, or having long conversations with each other when people were around.

Win wished they could be a normal couple, and go out on dates without risking getting either one of them in trouble.

As Win sat back down on the floor in his living room, he pulled his phone out to call Tay.



"Hey Tay, you busy?"

"Yeah, I'm filling my face up with ice cream and watching kdramas"

"Good so you're not busy"

"Ughh Win why can't you just let me drown in my depression?"

"Because what fun would that be."

"What do you want?"

"Wanna go to the movies? I'm bored and homework is making me frustrated"

"Wait, you want me to leave the house where I'm already watching movies so I can go to a place filled with people to watch another movie?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Where is Bright?"

"He's busy, now can we please go? You've been acting down lately, and it's making me worried."

"I have not"

"I'll be at your place by 4 okay?"

"Wait I di-"

Win hung up the phone and ran upstairs to get ready.

He wasn't lying when he said Tay has been acting weird lately.

Ever since the day Win confessed the Bright, Tay seemed to be less involved when it came to friend activities, and he was avoiding New.

After an hour of getting ready Win looked at his clock and saw it was just a little after 3:30.

"He wouldn't mind me being early, right?" Win mumbled to himself.

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