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Freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica: gets in the office all in the same time by accident

Mike: HEY THATS CHEATING *deactivates animatronics*

Freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica: *deactivates, stops*

Mike: *stares at the other button*

Button: activate party mode?

Mike: *presses button

Animatronics: *starts dancing to random dubstep music*

Freddy: LE PARTAAAY *makes a mess in the kitchen*

Bonnie: *randomly does cartwheels on the stage*

Foxy: *spazzes out under the west hall light like golden bonnie*

Chica: *does head bangs wherever she goes*

Mike: o.o

Goldie: wat hab u done?

Mike: I made the kids happy.

Goldie: *stares at freddy, bonnie, foxy, chica

Goldie: Mike, this is torment.


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