✨Chapter 1✨

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It was about 8:00pm. Dark, raining, cold outside. My boyfriend and I got into a fight. So I decided I would just take a walk to get all my anger out. It normally helps.

I walked by a art store. I decided go in there see if there anything new. I mean I need some more pencils, I might as well get them now.

I opened the door and walked in. I looked around the store and couldn't find them. Once I did they were to high for me to get.

I walked up to the cash register, where a really tall guy was. Great! He can probably help me.

"Um... sir, I can you help me?" I said, nicely but nervous to ask.

"Ugh, fuck, what you want?" The man said, with a rude tone.

"I- sorry... never mind." I went to walk out the door but he started talking, again.

"Just tell me what your want. I just want to get this over with. I get off of work in like 10 minutes." He said, again, with a rude tone, again.

"Fuck off. I'm fine. I'll just go somewhere else."

"Please, I'm sorry." He said, in a very nice tone, this time. The fuck.

"You fu-"

"Kylee!?" I heard, a familiar voice, cut me off. I turned to the side seeing my best friend, Xepher Wolf.

"So your name kylee..." the guy said, very low I could barley hear him. I just ignore him.

"Hi Xepher! Can you help me, because I'm a short fuck?" I asked, her.

"Oh yeah, of course. Why didn't you just ask Kian?" I looked over at Kian and he looked that he fucked up. I felt bad honestly.

"I was just to shy to ask. You know how I am." I giggled. I looked back at Kian and he looked reliefed. "So like did you just start working here, or?"

"Oh I just opened it up. Kian and another person works here. But that about it." I nodded my head. We walked over to the pencil and I told her which one I wanted. I walked up to Kian so i could pay for them. My phone started to go off. Damn it. It's my fucking boyfriend.

"Hello?" I said, answering the phone.

"Baby, where are you? I miss you..." he said, with hes fucking pity voice.

"I'll be home in like 10. Bye." I hung up the phone, an placed it down. I got 10$ and told Kian to keep the rest. I walked out of the store and walked back to my apartment. It was still cold, not really raining anymore. I felt like someone was following me. I looked around and not seeing anyone so I'm sure its nothing.

"Kylee..." someone whispered in my ear. I looked around, again and nothing... the fuck.

I started thinking about Kian... how muscular he was, hes tats, everything. Wait I need to stop I have a boyfriend. I've been with him for 2 years now and I need to get things back together with him.

After a bit I got home. I still felt someone following me. But like, no one was there. So maybe I'm just going crazy.

I unlocked the door and walked in. I saw rose peddles on the floor. I followed the tract to my bed room. I saw some roses on the bed.

"Hi baby, happy birthday." He said, hugging me from behind and kissing my neck, which scaring me. But I can't believe I forgot all about my own birthday.

"Omg Mike, you scared meeee! But also thank you. I forgot all about my birthday." I said, with a giggled.

"Aw baby, I have so mu-" he got cut off from someone knocking on the door.

"I'll go get that," he nodded hes head. I walked to the door and looked threw the peep whole. And I see a man looking the other then at the door. Its Kian. Wtf?

I opened the door seeing Kian. And I quickly walked into the hallway with Kian so Mike wouldn't get jealous and start a fight.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, giving him a crazy look.

"You left your phone." He said, pulling it out of hes back pockets. I grabbed it from him.

"How did you find where I live?"

"Oh... Xepher told me."

Damn it, Xepher.

"Oh well you should le-"

"Babe, whose here?" Mike said, opening the door cutting me off. "Who the fuck is this!?" He yelled, getting pissed... shit.

"Look I can explain. I dont know him. Hes a stranger, really. But when I went on that walk i went to the art store that Xepher just opened and got some pencils I needed. And I left my phone there and Xe-"

"Ok, let's talk about this inside." He grabbed me by the waist, harshly. I whimper in pain. "And you, should fucking leave." He yelled, at Kian. I looked down at mike hands and he was still holding me thightly. I looked up at Kian and I saw him have black eyes. Once I blinked it was back to hes normally pretty eyes... I mean just eyes.

Mike took me back inside. He still had hes hands on my waist really tight like before. He turned me around and pinned me to the wall.

"Are you fucking CHEATING ON ME!" He yelled, in my face.

"W-what... I just told you what happened and you didn't let me finish talking." I said, in a calm voice, hoping he would calm down.

"You FUCKING LIER! What Actually Happened!?" He hit the wall. Tears went down my face. That actually can not be happening kn my birthday.

"Mike, i-its not like y-you haven't. You've actually h-have more than o-once. Which doesn't m-m-matter because I-i told you what  a-actually happened..." I stuttered.

"You know what. I'm going home! I need to fucking think." He walked out of my house also slamming the door. I slide down the wall and cried. Kian... if he didn't come to my house nothing would have happened. Fuck!

I got and got into something comfortable and hopped into bed. I laid there and cried to sleep. Fuck this shit... Men Suck!

Thank you for reading the 1st chapter!

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