|| 067|| #1 Fan 🐻 O/AnCo

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Art by kugatsu tooka on danbooru

Tokino Sora x !GN!Reader

Fluff with a hint of angst but mostly fluff


The atmosphere was thick with excitement. It had been close to an hour since Sora had started her live concert, and it showed no sign of slowing down any time soon. All around you, people were waving their glowsticks around enthusiastically, the beat and flow of the music rattling everyone's bones. Such a memory this would make.

Up on the stage, Sora herself was catching her breath after finishing Step and Go, swinging her arms around as to not remain idle. If you didn't know any better, you would've swore her eyes were scanning the audience as if she were looking for someone in particular. But why would she do that? Perhaps a family member? Or perhaps her manager was somewhere in the crowd. Or maybe she really was looking for someone.

But as her eyes zeroed in around your section, and brown eyes locked with (eye colour) in an instant. You felt your heart stop. You weren't certain if she was looking in your direction, but the way she maintained eye contact felt like it was directed at you.

But it didn't matter when she winked and blew a quick in your direction before dramatically swinging around and going into her next song.

The memory stuck with you for the rest of the live concert, replaying in your head in slow motion. Every single time your mind decided to replay this, your heart skipped a beat, then proceeded to thump loud enough that you could hear it over the music. The concert would be a cool memory, but this sure was something.

So by the time it was finished and you stumbled into the cool air of the night, you still felt the intense adrenaline buzz. You could still feel both your head and heart pounding, and your face felt like it was on fire. Bring a hand up to your cheek just confirmed that thought.

"Haaaha... Ah, that wink" You mused to yourself, feeling your face somehow grow even hotter in embarrassment.

You were leaned against a wall a little way away from the entrance, slightly out of the way of the hustle and bustle of the main streets. A chorus of neon lights high-lighted your figure, and the smaller one who hobbled towards you on stubby legs.

You were suddenly snapped from your thoughts as that little figure tugged at your pants/shorts/skirt, prompting you to look down just to see them.

It looked like a small, stuffed... bear? Reddish-brown fur. Big, black eyes that stared into your soul. Yup, a small stuffed bear that tugged earnestly at you.

Once it caught your attention, it motioned with its small paw to follow as it hobbled back towards the concert area. You paused, blinked in confusion and though 'eh, fuck it' deciding to follow the stuffed bear to wherever it wanted you to go.

As you neared the bouncers, you grew increasingly nervous. You didn't have another ticket, so why would you be allowed inside. You worries increased until the small bear nodded at them and motioned at you. The bouncers looked you up and down, nodded and motioned for you to go inside. You did so without question.

Instead of leading you to one of the performance room, the small bear turned and made its way down a series of hallways, each lined with two strips of neon lights. You felt a headache coming on from all the lights and pounding music.

You rubbed a cool-ish hand to your forehead, trying to relieve a molecule of pain, only to be stopped when the small bear tugged on your clothes once again, motioning to a door you had completely missed on first glance.

You paused, as did the stuffed bear. You waited, until you felt the bear tapping on your leg, somehow giving you an annoyed look as it motioned for your to open the door. You mentally facepalmed. 'Of course it couldn't open the door. Forgetting the fact that they don't have fingers, they're barely one fourth of the way to the door handle' You just opened the door for them.

"Ankimo? Are you back already? Did you find them?" You froze. No way, nu-uh, no way in hell did this sentient, walking goddam teddy bear bring you to the most famous virtual idol. You pinched yourself and immediately regretted it because it stung like a bitch.

And apparently, you were not, in fact, dreaming because there was Tokino Sora right there. She was changed into a baggy hoodie with her hair tied up as she typed away at her phone. The teddy bear sauntered past you, and jumped up on to the chair next to her, tugging at her sleeve. Sora, still tapping away at her phone in an almost nervous manner, turned around to probably ask the same question, before those same brown eyes met yours and you both froze.

Ankimo jumped off the chair and hobbled out of the room, pulling the door shut as they left, leaving the two of you in a staring contest.

You were confused. Why did the bear bring you here? What did Sora mean by 'did you find them'? Was she talking about you? How did your night turn into this? You just wanted some answers. And maybe an autograph if possible.

While all of those thoughts ran rampant in your head, Sora had slowly stood up, approaching you carefully. She had her hands held out and a friendly, and very familiar smile on her face.

"(Y/N)? Do... Do you remember me?" She asked hopefully, almost wistfully. You were still confused.

"Well, I know who you are.. But, I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean" Her smile faltered, her eyes dulled, but she still looked hopeful. Her arms fell to her sides and she hid her face behind her bangs.

"Mm.. I didn't expect you to. We were both young. Eight I think... I only remembered because you were my only friend I ever had" Your head hurt. You were still confused, now only more so. But Sora sounded sad and it felt a little too familiar, in a haunting way.

Her words swirled and circled in your head, prying at long forgotten memories. Childhood memories, both happy and sad. Afternoons spent at the nearby playground, climbing the monkey bars and swinging on the swings. And sad ones, watching your best friend drive away, never to return to your home town.

Your best friend... How could you forget?

You chuckled, wiping a few tears from your cheeks that you didn't even know had escaped.

"Sora? I-.. I'm sorry.." You choked out, voice quivering. Sora, now trying her hardest not to begin balling, looked up at your words.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? It's not your fault.. It's..." Her voice trailed off, eyes wandering back to the ground again. You both fell silent.

"Can I have a hug" She whimpered. You didn't say anything and just wrapped your arms around her, letting her nuzzle into your embrace.

It had been years since you had felt this sort of comfort. Years since you had been able to hug your best friend. Too long, way too long.

You felt Sora shuffle, and then relax and sigh. You could hear the happiness in her sigh as she melted into your embrace like you had both done when you were young kids, not really fully understanding the feelings behind, well, most things to be honest.

"I think.. I think I missed you more than I realised" You mumbled, hugging Sora closer to you. She just giggled.

"I don't wanna ever let you go".

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