Chapter 1.6 - yes. road trip.

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George has a problem. And he's relying on Dream for comfort- how sweet.

Hey guys :)))

i wont lie. I wrote this drunk in a discord call so dont expect shakespear. Please, take this food before i sober up and have to edit it jsgkgjsdkl

for now,,, long awaited cute tings :0 i just hope nothing ruins it later on...


Dreams hand rubbed at his eyes, a sleepy yawn escaping his lips, "George, I'm still pissed. You should go home-" Snuffle. He stopped talking. Dream heard a snuffle. He retracted his hands from his face immediately, jumping to hold into Georges sides and pull him towards the door frame, inside where it was warmer. "George? George, talk to me? Are you hurt? George, are you hurt?" His voice was pressing, and loud. Dream was definitely panicking.

The younger shook his head, and Dream felt his heart start to beat again. With a careful grasp, he lead the boy inside and onto the grey sofa, grabbing a blanket to wrap around his shoulders. George continued to cry quietly, and Dream waited as patiently as he could, hand rubbing up and down the boys back as he let out his heart. They sat for a while, together, until George finally lifted his head.

His gaze was bloodshot, dark purple luggage strung under each eye. "Do you hate me?" Georges tears ran slowly down the sides of his face as he titled his head upward, eyes pleading. It really was the main thing on his mind right now.

Dream wanted to rip out his own hair. "Of course I don't hate you." They shifted slightly apart, so eye contact could be made. Dream didn't like how destroyed the boy looked, just like he id that fateful day in Mr. Craftmine's office. He looked wrong. "I was only... angry... before, because you scared the -shit- out of me."

"I didn't mean to." George fiddled with his fingers, looking down. "I didn't."

"I know you didn't, but-" It was hard to find the right words. "Imagine if i couldn't stop in time, or-or if it was someone else who cant drive as well-"

"Like Mr Antfrost?"

Dream coughed, "Well, yes, like Mr Antfrost." A small smile grew on the older's face. "You- god, you just really scared me."

George nodded, retreating were he sat. The seat behind him starting to sink, his figure slipping slowly into a pillow filled corner. It felt safe, Dream's couch, and George sat warm with content as the elders curried off; returning only a few minutes later with multiple additional blankets and two cups of hot chocolate, one heart marshmallow in each.

"Thank you." George took it gracefully, careful not to let any spill as more and more cloth was wrapped around him. When Dream was done covering the boy in fully sheets, he took a seat on the floor directly in front of him. Features softening.

"So, tell me what happened?" Dream took a small sip of his drink, burning his tongue and instantly regretting it, letting the mug be set a side. He took Georges off him too, just so the boy didn't make the same mistake he did. "You could have waited till morning. Something happened at home, didn't it?"

Dream knew he was right when George stiffened. "No, its just us. I don't like fighting."

"I don't either." Dream set his hand on Georges knee, "Please. Talk to me, let me help."

With a gulp, George let his facade dissipate. "Its just, you know the trip? Its stupid, i just, well i got excieted for it." His hand scratched at his head, letting his fingers twirl around his fringe. " I've never actually been on holiday. I just- it was going to be fun. But my dads going away, so I have nine children to look after. I cant go."

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