Chapter 1.5 - roadtrip?

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George finally gets the chance to have a break... or does he?


So yesterday I had TWO, yeah that's right TWO chapters for you bc I was feeling fancy and they were so long :'( and then my wifi decided to completely die and my page refreshed BY ITSELF and they both are gone :(((

I genuinely want to cry bc I can't even remember where the plot went.... anyways I LOVE YOU SILENT READERS (and none silent ofcofc) so maybe cheer me up? :0

"You should get dressed." Dreams voice burnt through George's day dream, like a cannon through a canoe. "Your morning lesson starts soon."

George scoffed, shifting his body deeper into Dream side, wanting more warmth. Both of them had only just woke up, it had been a long night. "So should you. Let's just skip-"

"I'm not going in." The man laughed as he sat up, bringing George up with him, "Mr. Antfrost is coving my lesson again."

"Perfect! I can stay here with you-"

"No." Dreams eyes frowned, snapping his head to George. Laughter faded.. "No, you can't. There's- you should go. A school trip will be announced and you graded work will be given out."

It was scary, how quickly Mr. Dream would switch from letting George practically rest on top of him, to his monotonous voice with blunt wording. George felt like he was on a rollercoaster, constantly trying not to say anything that would flip Dream back to the mean professor he was so good at being. But it was too late, he had already turned back. There was no arguing when he was in teacher mode, and George stood from the bed.

The weirdest thing he noticed about their relationship, however, was how confident George had become around the man. He would happily get dressing, or undressed, right in front of him with out a second thought. Throwing a shirt over his slim torso wasn't awkward anymore, but George always made sure to never look Dream in the eyes when he did. That was just a little too comfortable...

"You ready?" Mr. Dream appeared behind him, keys jangling in hand. "Go wait in the car, I have a duel to finish."

"At 9am?" The younger scoffed, "you were playing for so long last night- I hardly slept."

A flush spread across George's cheeks when Dream looked back, lips curved. "I think, if I recall, we -both- hardly sleep... which had nothing to do with my gaming." In a completely out of character moment, Dream winked, walking away. "Get in the car. I'll be ten minutes."

George was still red faced twenty minutes later when the man finally appear, grin suppressed on his face. The elder was too happy to pay attention to George silently fanning himself in the neighbouring seat. "Drop me off at home so I change first, and explain to my Dad where I was again."

Dream pulled out the drive, rolling up his sleeves. "Oh come on, he already thinks your having sleep overs with Miller. He probably expects it."

It was true. Way too often George had been 'accidentally' staying the night at his teachers. Phil just wanted him to have a normal life, so it wasn't really an issue if he only left for 'Nicks house' once Phil had gotten home from work to look after the kids. But George shook his head. "I still need to change my shirt. I got so embarrassed when Sapnap notice I was wear the same th-"


The car came to a halt at some red lights, and George looked over. "Yeah, Nick. I call him Sapnap, or Sap. It's his gamer tag-"


George let out a sigh, eyes glued to the mans forearms, "Miller."

"Right. I see." Dreams hands relaxed as he turned the wheel right. "Do I have a name?"

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