Chapter 0.6 - the sun can fuck right off

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Big chapter next if you know what I mean ;)

ALSO- don't be a silent viewer :0 no ones gonna judge you for reading this like I used to be so scared to comment on books but u just gotta say fuck it Yano - idk if that makes sense but if u take anything about from this book it's that dream is ALWAYS the top is dnf and life is easier when u don't give two fucks :)


Months. It's been a month of sucking Mr. Dream off in various locations around school and a month of waking up every night to clean up vomit covered floors and piss soaked bed sheets.

And George is pissed.


"No, not today." George held his hand up and pushed Mr. Dreams chest back, attempting to get into the classroom. It didn't work. And George ended up propelling himself backward.

"I don't care. After class I want to try something-"

"Please, can you just stop!" He snapped, a little too loudly.

A person behind them gasped, "George!" It was Sapnap. "I'm sorry for him, Professor, he hasn't been sleeping well." With that he grabbed the boys arm and dragged him to the back of the class, other students starting to enter behind them.

Both of them sat in their seats and starting to take notes. Sapnap stared at his friend from the side, eyebrow raised. He leaned sideways, whispering. "What was that?"

"Nothing." George got out his textbook, refusing to spare any detail. He didn't want to delve deeper into his feelings, today had already been crap to begin with.

"Did you really just-"

"I don't care, Sap! I'm fucking done with this shit!" This time, George was definitely too loud. The whole lecture hall turned in his direction, awaiting some reaction from the man at the front. George also expect a firmed voice to speak up, but it was a good few seconds before anything happened.

Dream sighed, he couldn't pass over it this time. Not when the whole class had heard him speak back. "Davidson, watch your language in my classroom." He didn't sound as infuriated as he should of. To be honest, he didn't sound like he cared one bit, his voice monotone and eyes still shuffling through test papers.

But George didn't want to do as Dream said any longer. He was sick of it, his throat constantly strained and hoarse, his knees bruised and angers finally riling up. For got sake, he needed a break.

"Fuck off." The words stumbled out of his lips clumsily. George didn't get angry often, but when he did he exploded. George was angry. "No, you know what-" He picked up his books harshly, walking straight for the door. "I don't need this shit any longer, I'm fucking done."

"Mr. Davidson-"

He turned to meet Dreams gaze, eyes firm "fail me. I don't fucking care anymore." And he left.

Once the door shut behind him, George realised how quiet the corridor outside was. A few people stared in horror at his out burst, but he was too overwhelmed to take any notice. He couldn't go home yet, no buses ran until lunch time. But the heat building up in his cheeks pushed him to move along, to scurry away. He needed to hide, calm down. Frantically, he took a deep breath, a cold and exasperating feeling taking over all his limbs. George came to the realisation just how sleep deprived he was.

He had to get out of the corridors and to somewhere private. A place Sapnap wouldn't find him or a class mate wouldn't stumble upon him, while he was in such a sorry state. So he went to the last place he'd call comforting. Mr. Dreams office.

When he arrived, the fire in his chest had settled to a mere spark. All emotions deflated and wet. "What am I doing." George could only mutter to himself, plonking down behind the large wooden desk and letting him arms droop next to him.

There wasn't much time to think about his actions, one attempt of peace and quiet and George's body immediately fell unconscious, trying to catch up on the weeks of rest he had missed.

The boy didn't know how long he had been out until the door had opened abruptly and a stern voice had started to speak. "Yes, the reports are already written for this semester. I'll post them to you now. Yes, okay. Okay well-".

George's sleep eyes opened slightly, looking up to see the large teacher staring back, phone to his ear. "Sorry, sorry I'll call you back. No, no it's- it's fine. I'll call you right back."

The younger let his head fall back again. The man had seen him come multiple times, sleeping wasn't anything embarrassing.

The atmosphere was excruciating.

"I didn't think you'd come here." Dream finally spoke.

"Nether did I." George let out a small laugh, trying to sit up from the floor. "I guess I'll have to find a new class for my degree."

The professor in front didn't make a sound, examining the boy, "are- are you okay?"

"Me?" He opened his eyes, forcing a little smile on his face. "I'm going great. Just a *yawn* little tired." Now Dream looked concerned, or George thought he did. No one had ever seen it before.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"For more than an hour? I don't remember." The younger pushed on his arms to straighten his back. "My family is just- There just a lot going on."

"Why are you like this suddenly? When did you sleep before?" Dream crouched down, looking closer at the exhaustion that was presented in front of him.

George sounded slight amused at the somewhat caring questions. "After class I'd usually get some sleep before I had... to do stuff. But my schedule is a little, well, all over the place right now. Preoccupied." That was it. The realisation was as clear as day. The teachers face stiffened. Guilt.

Dream stood back up quickly, feet stepping away. Within seconds he grabbed his keys and reached for the boys hand. "Come on." George was too tired to say no, allowing his body to be draped over the mans shoulder.

The car journey was peaceful and short, George sleeping all the way through. The only thing he clearly felt was satin sheets on his naked body as he snuggled tighter into a pare of warm arms laying next to him, finally feeling at ease. Not even bothering to spare a thought of where the fuck he was. George needed some well deserved beauty sleep.

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