Chapter 0.8 - error:fucksnotfound

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George still can't control himself around Dream, but that won't stop him from hating the mans guts.

SLIGHT WARNING- a lil angst O.o gogy gets a lil sad and upset at himself, calling himself names and stuffs. Ik some people struggle with this, but I don't wanna make this an angst book so if u don't wanna read when you see '===' skip until you see it repeated, then you'll be fine :) it's not really bad, but I don't wanna make anyone uncomfy wen this is basically a smut book-

Sorry again, just trying to prove to myself that plot exists here :P


"Dude, you have no idea!" George grimiest through the phone call, still lying on his back in bed.

"I just, cannot believe it. Like- at all." Sapnap choked on his breath, splutter to get more words out, "I mean, I get it. It's not your fault- do you- do you want me to tell someone for you or-"

"NO!" He practically screamed through the phone. "I-I... Sap, I was the one who said yes. It was just very, in the monument, and he was, well very hot." George looked up at the white ceiling above him, hoping in the back of his mind to would fall and put him out of his flushed misery.

"I know but- but, I don't know man. It doesn't seem like he has the right intentions? If your dating him after-" George could only cringe at the lie he had told, wishing he had just spat the truth out when the boy had first called after their class ended, wondering where the heck George was. "I guess I'm just glad you picked up my call. It's not like you can call me back, and when your dad said you were with me I nearly cried."

"I know! God, I'm so sorry I just-" Breath, "I fell asleep at his after my little... outbreak, and he called Phil for me. It's just- Sap did I mess up?"

"What, like sleeping over there?"

"No.. dating my fucking teacher." George cringed again, better to pretend he loved the man and that's why they were fucking, he told himself over and over. When it ended, Nick would understand why he lied. Nick always understood.

"Shit, wait a sec." The phone went quiet, and George could only hear the faint voices of people in the back ground. "...was.... george you where.. talking to..." "..." "tell hi-... homework... I'll be... in half an..." "....okay..."

It went quiet again, and when Sapnap returned to the phone all he did was make a weird shriek. "What the hell was that?"

"Your fucking boyfriend! How the fuck did he know I was calling you-" The boy huffed, sounding out of breath, "he's literally on his way home dude, god he scared the shit outta me in the corridor."

George just laughed, teacher Mr. Dream no longer made him fear for his life- however Dream in the bed room- "God, I've gotta go to my next class. I'll call you later, 9pm okay? Make sure you answer."

"I will... thanks for listening and well, not hating me." He boy squinted at the uneven white paint above, imagining picking it off.

"George, I'll always love you. And I get it, it's your first relationship and it's well, the age gap is a little big... just... stay safe and answer my calls." It was a rare moment to see his friend so lovey dovey, but George didn't want to ruin it by making a joke.

"Okay. I will." The call cut off, and the boy found himself once again looking up to the covered sky. All day he had been just lying in bed, immersed in the ache of his legs and throbbing of his arsehole. It was painful to say the least, moving would cause him to cry out.

But George found comfort in this position, laying still on his back and remembering the activities that occurred few a hours prior. It was weird, unreal even. He had just lost his virginity. And not only was it to a man, but the nerdiest and yet most intimating make teacher on campus. One minute Dream would be ranting about how incredible Java code was, the next staring someone down because they coughed too loud. And George had sucked his dick, been fucked by his dick, and currently day dreamed about his dick. Weird was the only explaination.

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