xvi : gift

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(a/n: hi ‼️i experimented with writing some knife play / blood kink smut which is towards the end of the chapter so TW for that‼️ if that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to skip past it , i put a line -- to show where it starts and ends.)

You laid on your bed staring at your ceiling, hoping you could figure out what the fortune meant. The more you thought about the way things between you and Hisoka played out, the more confused you got.
You got to realizing you might've given yourself into him too easily.. Because to be honest, you had only just recently met him.
Through all the things you had done with him as his partner, you felt close with him.
At some point you forgot how insane he was, and accepted your new life.

Now, it hardly mattered though, when you thought about all the traits that made Hisoka himself, you could feel yourself melting.

Something about the way he persuaded you to do things, the way he was effortlessly attractive. You could never get enough. As much as you wanted him to fuck you over and over again, you also wanted him to melt for you the same way you were starting to for him.

Maybe Rayn was right.. Maybe you had fallen for him. But maybe for just today you could look away from the dangerous fate you carry, and indulge in the warm feeling you got when you were around Hisoka.

Rayn (9:36 PM)
hey (y/n) :] how've u been?
it's been a while since i heard from you.
everything cool with u + ur husband ;] ?

(Y/n) (10:02 PM)
he's not my husband lmao but
i've been fine how r u

Rayn (10:12 PM)
pretty good, i've been working on my
improving my nen. i was just checking
on you :] glad your doing fine

(Y/n) (10:15 PM)
thanks good night

You rolled from side to side on your bed, trying to fall asleep. You hugged your pillow, putting your arm on the cold side to try and relax. Your restlessness was starting to anger you. Your phone dinged again, you noticed it was already midnight.

Hisoka (12:34 AM)

Meet me at the bank in the morning at 9:30 AM ⭐️-_-💧

The bank?

You knew he wasn't going to give you any more details than he already gave. You didn't really want to go with him.. You'd rather stay in bed at 9 in the morning. You sighed shutting your eyes and eventually drifting off to sleep.


It wasn't difficult to find Hisoka in the parking lot. His unsettling aura wasn't exactly the most subtle. He sat in the backseat of his car, his driver looked as stiff as a mannequin, that wasn't unusual though. You let yourself in, immediately noticing the clash of your outfits.

You wore an all black outfit, while he wore a colorful one, his bright makeup and pink hair all done perfectly. You sat next to him, watching the way his lips curled into a small smile.

You wondered why he had you here with him. If he wanted to rob the bank, you were sure he could do it himself.
"Why do I have to be here?" You asked.
"I need my splendid partner to help me." He pouted, grabbing your thigh, "You wouldn't want me to get hurt alone, would you?"

You slapped his hand off of you, tired with his jokes. "You can die after we're done with this for all I care."
He grabbed your chin with his thumb and his forefinger. "Don't be like that~ I already know you don't mean it."
You scoffed, looking out the window instead of at him.

"Just tell me what we're doing here."

"A source tells me a powerful group is going to rob this bank in half an hour. I want to fight them."

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