xiv : surprise

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(tw: pegging hisoka lmao)

Of course you were going to go to his fight. He needed somebody to clean up his wounds after his match.
Frankly, you were surprised he was fighting at the Tiger Arena, it was known for holding some of the most brutal events in the city. You laughed at your initial shock, reminding yourself of how bloodthirsty Hisoka was in general.

It only took a few clicks to find out when Hisoka's fight was. He was practically on the front page for their website.
People knew he was a cruel fighter and an insane performer, he made great advertising.

He was paired against a man called 'Carac' who wore a fur coat and heavy eyeliner. His hair was shoulder length, and a burnt orange color. With robust muscles and a confident smile, everybody knew these two would have a thrilling fight.

The entertainment value wasn't your concern, your job was to watch to see if Hisoka got hurt too bad. His fight was scheduled at 8PM, considering it was only morning you had some time to buy a ticket and meet with him before he started his fight.

You spent the day walking around the city, looking at all the jovial people enjoying their time. While the people looked at the stores and the scenery, you looked at them.
You wondered if that could've been you on the other side of the walkway, mindlessly happy with a significant other's hand in yours. Being an average person, going from store to store, unaware of how terrible the world could be.

You stopped at a flower shop, red roses catching your eye. You picked one out holding it in your hand reminding yourself of the rose Hisoka gave you. You sighed, because even going out to try and do normal activities, he crossed your mind. You put the flower back, walking around to look at the rest of the arrangements. The bouquets were dainty and beautiful, their high price not coming as a shock to you. It smelled good but you left because the pollen started to make you feel itchy.

It was midday now, the streets were still occupied by people. You walked past a man playing the violin with his case open for cash. You threw in what change you had and he smiled. The music he made was beautiful.

You walked past an elderly lady who struggled carrying all her groceries, and watched as somebody ran over to help her.

For a moment you could gush about how lovely the world is, but reality's the worst. There was a bitter feeling when you thought about the comparison between their plans for the rest of their day versus yours.

Time to go back to your hotel to relax until the main event.

━━━ ♡♤♧♢ ━━━

You had been to large arenas before but this was a whole other deal. It was a tall building that provided rooms for its participants, having only a few rings. The largest ring having the most bleachers was obviously the one Hisoka would be in. It was 6PM so it was safe to assume he was in his private room.

"(y/n)~ How nice of you to call.."
"What's your room number. I'm at the arena." You replied.
"I expected you'd come~ It's room 44."
"Got it." You hung up walking in the direction of the elevator.

You found yourself in the elevator with the dark-orange haired man himself, Carac.
Sure, on TV he looked pretty large, but standing next to him this man was massive. Probably measuring at about 7 feet tall or even more. He looked down at you and asked, "You're a fan of Mr. Morow aren't ya?"
You had to bend your neck back a considerable amount only to reply back with, "Uh, I guess."

Carac smiled at you with shiny white teeth, "I figured with the makeup you got on ya cheeks. You should place your bets on me instead, darling. I won't let ya down." He gave you a thumbs up.

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