i : number 44

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Honestly... it was about damn time you got your Hunter License.

Being a skilled nen-user prior to taking the Hunter Exam, you had a gut feeling that getting your license would be a breeze. Even so, that didn't make the process any less time consuming.

You walked around waiting for Phase One of the exam to start. You made some small talk with others while waiting, but nothing too serious. A lot of the fellow contestants were kind but, truth be told, there isn't much of a point in getting close to anyone else at the exam. From the rumors you'd heard, you'd probably have to fight against them anyways.
That's why you didn't put much thought in getting all friendly before the exam started. Perhaps an alliance would be helpful but not pure friendship.

Either way, with your preconceived knowledge of nen, an alliance likely wouldn't even be necessary for you.

Not everybody was in the same boat though.

Groups of people started to form and stick together while waiting. This made you wonder if they'd taken it before and came back for another try. Maybe they were forming an alliance or a strategy to win.

It interested you to find out how everybody's strategies would play out.. and seeing everybody else find partners and friends made you wonder if you were making a mistake by remaining alone.

Still, you stayed by yourself and didn't care to be too social.

You sat down with the backpack you brought laid next to you. You took out your sketchbook and began sketching out a design.

"Do you draw for fun? Or are you like a professional artist or something like that," a man asked you. You didn't really appreciate the fact that he was looking over your shoulder.

"It's just for fun," you said then paused because he was looking at you curiously, as if he was silently telling you to keep conversing with him.

"My name's (l/n)(y/n).. you can call me (y/n)."

He grinned, "My name's Rayjo, you can call me a friend." He said, easing the tension and making himself less of a stranger.

You laughed, "Smooth."

You wanted to end the conversation right there and get back to drawing but your new friend redirected your attention. Rayjo called over another man, who looked fairly identical to himself.

"Rayn, this is (y/n). (y/n), this is Rayn." You feigned a polite smile while staring at his features. The two had the same facial features and yet they looked pretty different from each other.

"Are you two siblings?" you asked, Rayn laughed, showing off a bright smile with a couple missing teeth.

"No, haha! We're cousins. A lot of people say we look alike." He nudged Rayjo playfully, slinging his arm over his cousin's shoulder. Rayn seemed more energetic than Rayjo, while the latter seemed more calm and collected.

"Well, now I know a couple people in case I need anything," you thought to yourself.

You excused yourself from them and paced around the room a little more. It seemed like you were waiting forever for the exam to start. You took a moment to look around the room. It seemed like there were lots of other contestants. Statistically, only a handful of people get their Hunter License out of taking the exam, meaning a big majority of the people you saw now would fail. Some people had muscles try probably trained for years for, others looked intelligent.
You didn't expect to sense strong auras, but you did. Certain contestants radiated with energy of varying potency.

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