vii : villains

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A few days went past and you hadn't heard anything from Hisoka. You weren't exactly waiting for any news in particular but you found it strange that he didn't even check in on you. You weren't going to be the one to contact him first though. So you went to sleep, without a worry in mind..
Only to wake up with Hisoka Morow staring at you, sitting on the edge of your bed. It took you awhile to process the fact that it wasn't a dream, but when you did you pulled your blanket up to hide your face.

You audibly groaned.

"I forgot to lock the door again didn't I?" You thought.

You uncovered your face to find Hisoka smiling with the keys to your door swinging from his Bungee Gum.

"Long time no see. The bellhop gave me the spare keys." You narrowed your eyes at him.


"I asked nicely, of course." He said but the playful tone of his voice said otherwise.

"You were starting to hurt my feelings, (y/n). You never called me after that day at the arena." He feigned a frown.

"Stop messing around. Why are you here?"

"I need my splendid partner in crime to do something with me today." He said with a smile.

Unease set in your stomach. "Do what?"

"My, My you're full of questions today."

You sighed, "Whatever. Just give me a call next time you break into my hotel room. Let me get ready first, okay?"


You got ready in the bathroom while Hisoka played with his cards on your desk. You wore a fighting outfit, because Hisoka's outfit was elaborate as usual. When you were done getting ready you felt pretty good about yourself.
You remembered to tell Hisoka what you learned at the cafe with Rayn.
You sat on the edge of your bed, Hisoka not paying you any mind.

"Rayn's going to find out it's you soon." You started.
"That's fine." He waved it off, not caring.
"For now, but he's learning nen so he could be a threat to you later." You explained to him.

"Threats are exciting, (y/n). Let me guess, is he a manipulator?"

You look at him curiously, "Yeah.."

"Just as I suspected. Personality is usually a giveaway of nen type." He said, you had never noticed before.
"Ready to go, Butterfly?"

"Yep." You followed him out, a car already waiting for him.

"We're going to have an eventful day, (y/n)."

"Can you please tell me what we're doing." You begged.

"We're going to meet with some old friends, and you will help me finish them."

The car ride was long, and consisted of Hisoka poking you every time you started feeling tired. You ended up in what seemed to be deserted dry land.
"You have some knives with you right?" He looked down and asked.
"Of course." You didn't bother asking any questions.

Three men came out from a brick house. They were all burly and had dirt stained on their clothes. They look furious at the sight of the man next to you.
"So, you finally came back, eh?"
"And he brought a girl with him this time." "You shouldn't have come back, bastard." They all piped up.

"So.. They're not his friends." You thought, putting your palm to your forehead.
"What did you get me into?" You whisper to him.

He smiled, "Consider this target practice, (y/n)."

Two of the men carried bats longer than your torso and one man held a hammer with the end larger than your head.

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