Or maybe something worse??

Well, I have to wait until I actually sleep.

So with despair, yet curiosity(?) I close my eyes and hopefully h**l doesn't break lose.



There's nothing here. It's just dark. Maybe everything will go smoothly—-



"Angelica! Thank god I found you."

I stare at my sister, who's emotions I couldn't figure out, as she grabs my arm and yanks me into the guest bedroom at her house.

I give her look of inquiry and soon she's...gone?
I turn my head to look for my younger sister:

Where did she go—

Alexander suddenly appears and without hesitation, kisses me.


Despite it throwing me off and being a dream, it was still heavenly and sweet. I slowly start to relax as he places his hands on my face to cradle the kiss a bit longer and eventually he pulls back.

"What are you doing Alexander? Why would you—"

I get cut off again, as Alex starts to speak instead:

"It's mine, isn't it?"

Wow. Blunt.

"I don't know for sure; but even if it is, it's not like we can be together to raise them. My husband would be the one to do it with me."

Alexander looks at me with a silent anger mixed with concern.

"What? He's a good father."

"But not a good husband."

I can't see my face, but I know it turned white.

"Angelica as part of your subconscious, I know everything."

"But do you know in real life?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Either way when I do, I'm going to kill the b***rd."

Soon the room changes and we are now outside, except Alexander is 15 feet away from me and my husband was across from Alex with a gun.


I know this is supposed to be a dream, but this is starting to feel like reality.

They both have guns now and are taking their paces.

But my husband doesn't play fair.

My legs start moving until I realize fully that I'm running towards the duel.

My heart is racing and I'm on the brink of crashing into nothingness.

Wait. Wait. Please no. Not now. Not ever.

John points his gun at Alex and fires.

Ow. Another pregnancy pain? EVEN IN A DREAM??


Soon Alexander comes rushing to my side and John? I have no clue where he could be.

He holds my arms as he frantically tries to stop me from moving any forward.

"Alexander what are you doing?! We should be getting a doctor! My h-husband shot you."

"What? No, no, no, no, no; you're the one that needs the doctor."

I look at him crazy and touched my side with my hand.


I'm dying.


"I'm sorry!"

I wake up in the bed with a cold sweat and a migraine that can't allow me to think.

Tears escape my eyes and my heart dropped to my stomach.

I died.

And he had to watch.

(The last part of the dream was so awful; Alexander's face was so incomprehensible that I couldn't tell what he was doing. He became angry, then frustrated, then ultimately miserable as he tried to get me to live longer. He pushed the doctors to do more, but both of us knew that they couldn't. Then it went dark just like at the beginning; then I heard him grieving...and it was agonizing)

My adrenaline is rushing and stress is everywhere. I feel like throwing up, but I don't want to move. To make matters worse, another strike of pain hits me, but this time it's coming from my back.

Why do bad things always happen to me?! Why couldn't I have a normal pregnancy or a normal life at most?! Why couldn't I have at least just married a guy who was decent?! Why couldn't I have just stayed in America with my sisters?!!

My thoughts are swirling with everything that could have happened and everything that did; and I want to just shut it off like a light.

Before I know it my eyes close and I fall asleep from the stress.

(6 hours later)

Opening my eyes, I see a perturbed Martha who is practically tearing up at the sight of me.


"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?"

She peers at me confused and exhales a shaky breath.

"I-I-I just might of thought you would have...um, that you would have gone as well."

"Gone? Why would I be gone? I just had a rough night; sorry if I woke you, but that doesn't mean I'm going to vanish."

With that I give her a small laugh to lighten the mood, yet she still looks at me appalled.

"I thought you died from the blood loss. I told someone to fetch a doctor and hopefully he'll be here soon. I-I'm so sorry."

Blood loss? I didn't actually get shot; it was just a horrid nightmare.

"What are you sorry for Martha?"

She sighs as she comes closer to me with an empathic, sadden look on her sullen face.

"Angelica, you miscarried."

Gonna become a English teacher real quick because that fricking bullet/shot and dream was symbolic 😌


Gosh I hated that.

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