Chapter 59 (quetwi-gell): Elbissopmi

Start from the beginning

'And what is the use of that?' said Sleech.

'Wouldn't you like to see things that are impossible?' said Liana.

'Things that are impossible can't happen, so we won't be able to see them,' blustered Sleech, 'which means that what you are doing is just wasting our time,' he signalled to a Guardian at the side of the stage, who hurried over ready to take the pair away. But then Tyro spoke up.

'Actually, did they say they were going to show us something impossible? I would like to see that,' Tyro said.

'Are you sure, Greatest of Greatests?' Sleech said, nervously. There was something about this girl that made him frightened. Normally, the only person who frightened him was Tyro. But this girl... There was something about her, even though he couldn't see her face. He knew her. But from where?

'Yes, quite sure,' said Tyro. 'Impossible. I like that word. Although my father said there was no such word as impossible. So I always wondered how he said the word, when it didn't exist, apparently. But I've always wanted to do things that are impossible, and if these people show us that they can do such a thing, that probably means that in fact, I invented the whole load of stuff that they are about to do, which is impossible,' Tyro said.

'Of course, Master of the Impossible,' Sleech replied. The Guardian went back to his position at the side of the stage.

Sleech stared at Liana and Herago. 'All right. Get on with your demonstration,' he said, wearily.

'Thank you so much, Himesterrrr Sleech,' Liana said.

'I SAID GET ON WITH IT!' shouted Sleech.

'That was a bit noisy,' said Tyro.

'I apologise, your quietness.'

'Be a bit more careful, in future,' Tyro said. 'When are they going to start?'

'My partner, the Incredible Impossibilist Herago, is just setting up his equipment,' Liana said, with a flourish. 'He will be ready in ... less time than it takes to stick on a smile.' Sleech looked confused, but there was more laughter in the hall.

The pair had decided that they would begin with an Impossible that they did at their showing, though with some variations.

Herago quickly unwrapped his silver parcel, which was bigger than any of those that had appeared before. He pulled out a box, and touched a lever at the side. Four lengths of wood dropped to the ground, turning the box into a sort of table. The table was angled so that it could be seen by Tyro and Sleech, who sat at the edge of the stage, as well as all of the strangely smiling audience in front.

Herago reached inside the box and pulled out three beautifully decorated blue cups, placing them in a row in front of him, with the mouths facing down.

'Ir, deg, mek,' Liana counted. 'Three cups'.

'What was that "Ig, dig, mig" stuff?' Tyro asked Sleech.

'I have no idea,' Sleech said.

In front of each cup, Herago placed a small, red stone.

'Mek... I mean three stones,' said Liana.

'What is he doing?' said Tyro.

'Very little,' said Sleech.

Herago placed each of the cups over the stone in front of it.

'Now, watch very carefully,' Liana said, 'impossible things will happen before your very eyes. If you have very eyes.' There was more laughter in the hall. 'You might only have slightly eyes. Though I notice that a lot of you have very mouths.' More laughter. Liana was feeling an amazing sense of pleasure in controlling the laughter with her words, and with the pauses between words.

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