If Humans Didn't Rule the World

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Imagine humans didn't rule the world.
Which animal do you think would?
We would be the ones to live in a cage:
Do you think we could?

Imagine our species was endangered.
For how much longer do you think we'd survive?
A year? Maybe two? A decade? Longer?
This time we're not the hunters ending lives.

Imagine you're a pet this time,
Walked around with a collar and leash.
Told what to do, what not to do,
Begging for your freedom, to be released.

Imagine we were as small as an ant,
Everyday thousands of us killed.
Unable to run away fast enough
Before our blood is spilled.

Imagine humans didn't rule the world.
Which creatures would still be alive?
If we weren't the cause of so many extinctions,
How many would have actually survived?

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