The pale haired boy shook his head," Nope, it had always been the three of us." he answered and turned to Phil," You do realize that the scouts will leave with out you, right? The order to retreat came around five minutes ago." he said.

Hange tensed up," Phil you should head back before they finish with collecting everyone." she said, Pulling out a paper and a pen from her utility belt, she started to quickly scribble down on it.

 "But ma'am-" he tried to protest.

"Listen here Phil, my ankle is swollen, my horse is dead and my ODM gear is broken. I can't go back with you. Restock your blades with mine and head back." she said, still writing. "I have a feeling that I'll be okay here, after all these kids lived here, out side the walls for four years. Go back to the scouts, that's an order!"

"Yes ma'am!" he said, having no other option but to follow his superiors command.

"Give this to commander Erwin." she said folding the paper," I'm counting on you, Phil. Don't fail me. This is important."

"Yes ma'am!" he said saluting.

"I can escort you to the edge of the forest," Gon offered," I know the route the titans really avoid." he said

"Huh? There is a route the titans avoid!?" Hange asked, her eyes sparkling with glee.

The greenette nodded at her," Yeah, it's where the anti-giant herb grows. The titans hate it's strong scent so they avoid it. It's the shortest path to the clearing ,too."

"But will he be okay?" Alluka asked with a frown" He hit his head pretty hard, he may have a concussion." she said.

"Gon helped mask his scent so he should be okay as long as he doesn't draw their attention." Killua nonchalantly said. "Also he didn't slam his head, he just got cut, so it should be fine."

The woman snapped her neck towards her subordinate," Phil, let this young man show you the way, the sooner you are out of the forest the better." she said, with an almost crazed smile," The commander have to know about this!"

After the man stocked up with Hange's blade and equipment, he departed with Gon. Hange stayed behind, giving in to her curiosity and asking questions about the trio. How they lived and survived without the protection of the walls for so long.

It annoyed the pale haired but it amused his sister who humored the woman by answering her questions to the best of her abilities.

"Gon, did Mr. Phil make it?" Alluka asked when he green haired boy came back to the house.

"Yup, I brought dinner on my way back." he said exposing the bird he hunted to the raven haired girl," I'll pluck it's feathers for you." he said.

Alluka frowned, checking their water reserves," We are short on drinking water guys." she said, closing the barrel.

The pale haired boy lazily shrugged," I can refill tomorrow, is it enough for today?"

The ravenette nodded," Yeah, it will last us throughout tomorrow, until noon if we don't waste any." she said turning to the brown haired woman who was observing them as if they were an exotic wild animal in it's habitat," Hange, let me take your clothes, they are damp with the anti-giant fluid. Let me hang them so they can dry up. If that plant rub onto your skin too much then it will cause it to irritate."

The woman hummed with a smile," Oh don't mind me, go on about your normal lives." she suggested.

Killua scoffed from over his hammock," We might as well do that while we still can." he said, gaining the attention of the people in the room," Right, Hange?" he asked, his chilling blue eyes staring directly into the woman's soul.

"What do you mean, Killua?" Gon asked with a frown.

"Hange sent a letter to her commander, they will probably come back for her with in a week or two. And once they make it here, they will take us back to live inside the walls." he lazily said," That or they will abandon her here, either way our routine is screwed." he said.

"Is it really bad though? Living inside the walls I mean." Alluka asked, helping Gon by plucking the feathers of his hunt on the balcony.

Gon lightly laughed," Yeah, I'm kind of sick of the anti-giant plant and it's smell. It would be nice to eat something other than meat and wild vegetables for once." he said.

"Yeah, sleeping on an actual bed does sound nice, too." Killua said with a smile swinging on his hammock.

"And I want to try the gear Hange and Phil used, what is it called again Hange?" Gon asked giving the woman a side glance.

She blinked when the attention turned to her," The ODM gear?"

Killua grinned," Yeah, that sounds like fun. We should try it." he suggested.

Alluka laughed," You guys, we are not even sure if we are going into the walls." she said.

Hange shook her head," Knowing the Commander, he will definitely take you back inside the walls. People surviving out side the walls was unheard of ,especially kids. You guys have no idea how much of a big deal you are." she said.

Alluka shrugged," It wasn't really that hard, all we had to do was move around at night and stay on trees in the day at first." she said.

Gon smiled," That's until we figured that the Titans can only follow us through our scents." he said, handing the now plucked duck to the raven haired girl," Things got easier once we found the anti-giant plant."

For the next few days Hange kept observing the Trio and their simple way of living. She observed their routine hungrily, trying to figure out their way of surviving. If mere children could live outside the walls for four years, then may be humanity wasn't doomed after all.


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