Chapter 11

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I woke up the next day still cuddled up to Milori. I looked up at him and I saw he was awake and he smiled down at me I smiled back. I cuddled back into his chest not wanting to move, I heard him laugh and stroke my hair. After a few minutes he stopped and I looked up at him.

"We need to go get some of your stuff." He said and I sighed knowing I can't stay in bed all day, Queen Clarion gave me a few weeks off so I can spend it with Milori.

He got up and headed into the bathroom, I stayed in bed for a bit waiting for him to come out. Once he did I got up and got the clothes from last night once we were both dressed we flew to my house in pixi hollow and I grabbed a suitcase.

The girls came to see me before I left and they helped me take my suitcase once I packed everything. We got back to the winter woods and some of the winter fairies came to help with my suitcase as the girls had to go back to work. I hugged them as I wasn't going back to pixi hollow for a few weeks.

We got back to Milori's home and he helped me unpack everything. After that he had some work to do and so I went with him.

*time skip to after he finishes work*

After everything was sorted and he had some time off he took me around the parts of the winter woods that I haven't seen. He had grabbed a picnic that some of the winter fairies had surprised us with. We got to a clearing and decided to eat, the fairies had picked loads of different foods and I couldn't wait to dig in. (Just imagine all the foods you like)

After eating we packed up everything and carried on. The winter woods was absolutely gorgeous, it was a nice changed from pixi hollow. I was looking around in awe and I didn't realise Milori looking at me.

*Milori's POV*

I looked at Y/N as she admired her surroundings. I'm glad she loved the winter woods. As I was looking at her I couldn't help but notice how absolutely gorgeous she looked with snowflakes falling around her and her face framed with the hair that wasn't in her ponytail. She was the most stunning girl I have ever met and I couldn't believe she was mine.

*y/n's POV*

After I saw the rest of the winter woods we went back to his place. He had the rest of the day off so we decided to spend it together, we stayed at his cuddling and having fun I smiled at him as he was telling me a story I couldn't wait for these next few weeks but I also didn't want to leave.

Hey guys! Sorry this took a while troubles with where to go lol and sorry it's so short, I also got into two new series and every time I tried to write I couldn't until I finished them. Next few chapters will be focused on the few weeks you have with milori I will miss days out but only because I won't have a clue what to do for a full two weeks 😂

Anyway has anyone seen Wu assassins on Netflix? I'm re watching the season again as it only has one season atm but I love it and honestly there isn't a lot about it anywhere so I feel like it's underrated so if anyone is looking for a new series I suggest Wu assassins also the new legends of monkey but if anyone's into Chinese guys there are cute ones in wu assassins I would love to hear any of your lots fave characters if anyone watches it

Also thank you all for being understanding about how slow I'm being I know it's probably a pain but I honestly have no clue where I'm going with this so please bare with ❤️❤️

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