Time jump

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Authors POV

It's been 5 years since everything happened. Audrey and her grandmother tried to kill Kit and Mal but they failed. They are in jail their sentences are almost over and they will get sent to the isle. Bonnie, Enzo and Julian stayed in auradon. Kit and Witney are still going strong. Carlos and Julian started dating. Mal and Ben are also still going strong and Ben even proposed. Jay and Evie are dating. Bonnie and Enzo of course finally stopped playing around and got together. Bonnie's mother Abby is happy for her. Evie and Chad went on a date but realized that they should stay friends after, Chad is dating Jane. Lonnie and Doug are also dating.

Evie started making cloths for people. Jay owns his own shop. He sells cloths made by Evie, Jewelry made by Kit and other things made my either Kit or Evie. Witney, Bonnie, Carlos and Kit own a big wear house. In each different room there is something different. Music studio, dance studio. There is a garage for Kit to build cars work on cars with the help of Jay, Witney and Julian. There is a gym and a room for Kit and Witney to hack and code into things. There is a musical room with all instruments. There is a art room for Mal, Witney and Kit to draw.

Witney also found out some shocking news. There is one secret Kit never told Evie and Jay. She was born differently. She has a penis. Witney just found out that she is pregnant. She and Kit where still so young, she doesn't know how Kit is gonna react to this.

Kit on the other hand is nerves about something different. She is planning on proposing to Witney. She took Evie and Bonnie with her to get a ring.

Evie: I can't believe it. My big sister is proposing.

Bon: Witney is going to be so happy, I just know it.

Kit rolled her eyes, but smiled.


Evie and Bonnie made spaghetti with garlic bread for Kit and Witney's date.

Naya's outfit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Naya's outfit

Witney's outfit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Witney's outfit

They take the food outside to them. Along with some sprite soda since they weren't old enough to drink yet. Everyone was watching them after the finished there food and danced a little.

Kit: Witney, there is something I need to ask you.

Wit: What?

Kit: Well, first Umm...

Wit: Babe what is it?

Kit: Witney, when I first met you I thought you would never love someone like me. But, you did. You changed me for the better. I just don't know you just saved me from a terrible life.

Wit: What are you saying Kit?!

Kit gets down on one knee and Witney just starts crying.

Kit: Witney, will you make me the happiest woman ever and marry me?


Kit: Really?

Wit: Yes.

Kit puts the ring on her finger and they kiss.

Kit: I love you.

Wit: Love you too.

Everyone comes down and congratulate them. Witney is so happy she forgot about the baby but knew she would now have to tell Kit about her being pregnant.

The next day

It's morning. Witney wakes up and decides she can't hold it no more. She shakes Kit until she walks up all the way.

Kit: Babe! What is it are you ok.

Wit: I found something out yesterday and I was scared to tell you cause I didn't know how you would react being the fact that we are still so young.

Kit: Babe, for the first time ever. You are scaring me what's wrong

Wit: Kit, I'm pregnant

Kit shot up from the bed like it was on fire. She looked at Witney is shock.

Kit: Are you serious?

Wit: Yes! Babe are you mad?

Kit ignores that question and she pushes Witney down on the bed and kisses her stomach.

Kit: Your pregnant. We're gonna have a baby.

Wit: Yes, wait so your happy.

Kit: Yes were gonna be parents.

5 hours later

Kit and Witney go to the doctor.

Doc: Ok miss Witney from the looks of it you are 3 months pregnant and we can give out the gender of- oh wait a minute.

Kit: What is the baby ok?

Doc: Yes, well. Your actually expecting twins.

Wit: What?

Doc: If you want I can tell you the gender for both babies.

Kit and Witney look at each other and then nod at the doctor

Doc: Your having both. A boy and girl


They tell everyone that Witney is pregnant and they are having twins a boy and girl. Evie and Jay were both super excited to be an Aunt and Uncle.

Ok here is a new chapter

Pick a name for them.

Noa Belle June Hope Queen and Samuel Josey Miguel Angel Queen


Daniel Hiram Queen and Bella Queen

For me personally I like Noa and Sam, but I will let y'all vote just to see

The secret sisterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang