"Okay. What about Zeb?" Ezra offers.

"Sorry, kid. The carrier doesn't fit on me either. It wasn't made for Lasats." Zeb shrugs as he tosses his bow rifle over his shoulder and exits the ship.

"You?" Ezra pleads.

"I would, but I have to enter in a meeting with Hera and the other generals. The last thing we need is Jacen crying mid-planning." Kanan explains with a soft frown. "Trust me, I'd rather watch Jacen than go to this meeting."

Ezra sighs, his shoulders dropping. He realizes he has no choice. He can't just abandon Spectre-7 while he goes to lunch. He's the only man for the job.

"Now front or back?" Kanan asks as he holds up the carrier.

"Front. If I'm going to be toting around the baby, I might as well see him." Ezra says as he opens his arms. Quickly and smoothly, Kanan helps strap the baby carrier onto Ezra's chest. Without any complaining, Jacen is slipped into the carrier and tightly locked in.

"Be good, Jacen. Ezra is kind enough to watch you on his break." Kanan instructs as he places his hand onto his son's face. He traces his face from top to bottom, the same way he always does when saying goodbye. Jacen coos, leaning into his touch.

Together the three of them leave the ship. A few comments are made about how adorable Jacen is, but it's not out of the ordinary. Jacen is the only baby on base currently so everyone is used to him getting a lot of attention.

As they get further into the base, Kanan and Ezra split. Kanan heads to the meeting room as Ezra goes to the mess hall with Jacen. This is where the real trouble begins. No one would dare tease Ezra with Kanan around. But now that he's gone, Ezra begins to receive some mild taunting.

"A Jedi babysitting? Didn't know that was in the description." Han smirks as he and Chewie walk past.

"Didn't know dropping shipments was in a smuggler's description." Ezra quickly fires back as he flips around to look at them.

Han stops and glares but Chewie loudly laughs as he nudges the grumpy man.

Ezra shrugs with a smile in response. "You started it." He says as Jacen begins to make bubbles with his spit.

Now that they've all stopped walking, Chewie takes this opportunity to greet Jacen. He gives a soft growl then ruffles the baby's hair. Surprisingly, Jacen doesn't cry. Instead, he giggles and grabs at the Wookie's fur.

Since Chewie is distracting the baby, Han walks over to Ezra. He leans in close and keeps his voice low. "How many people here know about my bounty?"

Ezra shakes his head as he adjusts the straps on the carrier to rest better on his shoulders. "I don't know. We landed about ten minutes ago."

Han scrunches his face. "Don't tell me you guys came in the Ghost."

Ezra laughs. "Of course we came in the Ghost. It's a lot safer than your excuse of a ship."

"The Falcon is faster than any other ship on this base, Bridger."

"Sure, Solo. Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ezra smirks as Jacen squeals in delight.

Han and Ezra both look down, watching Jacen try and reach for Chewie's hands. Han scowls as looks at his furry friend. "Don't get any ideas, Chewie. There won't be any babies riding in the Falcon. Ever."

Chewie groans and rolls his eyes. Ezra scoffs and adjusts Jacen so that he remains seated in the carrier. "I don't think you'll have to worry about anyone trusting you to watch a baby, Han."

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