The curtains open up and in walks Noah who was just with Levi, he jumps onto Katie's bed and lays down beside her. I put my things down and jump into my bed, then look at Noah.

"Weren't you going to sleep at Levi's?" I ask, he looks at me with his big deer eyes and shakes his head.

"The screaming lady is closer to his room than yours" He explains innocently, I can't help but snort at that but nod in understanding. Suddenly everything goes silent and both Katie and I look at each other, then Leo walks in, he looks tired as fuck.

"She's finally done giving birth" Leo says and lies down beside me, groaning into the pillow "She yelled cursed at me and threw a knife at me"

"So, she stole my job?" I joke, he pinches my waist causing me to yelp. I hit his hand away but he just places it on my stomach playing with the hem of my top.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Katie asks curiously but Leo merely shrugs. "I don't know, between running around getting water, killing any Z that got too close and getting yelled at I somehow forgot to ask" Leo grumbles.

"how did the z's come in? There shouldn't be too many in here" Katie asks. Leo is lifting his shoulders and probably stopped thinking about it, but I can see that Katie didn't stop thinking about it.

"Am I getting a new sibling? Can I meet them?" Noah suddenly asks excitedly; I look at him and nod giving him a small grin.

"Yes, but later, right now Xio has to rest, okay?" Noah nods in understanding before laying down beside Katie again. I sit up causing Leo's hand to fall onto my lap "I'll go check on everybody and get this one to bed"

Leo groans but stands up along with me. I grab his hand intertwining it with mine and we walk out, me swinging our hands back and forth and him lazily keeping up. I follow him to his room and walk in with him, he immediately jumps onto his bed and pulls me down with him. I smack his hand as I sit up in front of him.

"I have to go check up on the others, hate to say it but there's no cuddling tonight" I tell him, he groans loudly running his hand through his hair. I chuckle a little at him.

"God, I hope no one else gets pregnant during this shit show" He mutters, I smile at him.

"Then remember the condoms" With that I stood up and walked away leaving him alone, I walk out to the others, Hua is sitting with her brother who has a small child in his arms. He's staring at the baby with an unknown emotion, it certainly isn't love. I look at Luna who's standing a little awkward beside Brandon as Xiomara smiles at Levi, even Hua is looking down at the child awkwardly.

"Well, this couldn't get more awkward, could it?" I ask snapping everybody's attention up to me, Hua chuckles a little and I walk over to them peering down at the child, it opens its big blue eyes at me. Wait, Blue? I look at Levi's eyes whose almost black and Xiomara's who has brown eyes.

"Now I get it" I whisper causing Hua to burst out laughing, I smile at Xiomara who has a glare set on me. "So, what's the gender?" I ask and her eyes, which are nowhere near blue, immediately lights up.

"It's a boy, we've decided to name him, Mateo" She says excitedly. I look at Levi who grimly nods then at Hua who seems to be amused by all of this.

"Love the name" I say nodding along with her and I walk over to Brandon who gives me a pointed look, silently telling me to shut my mouth.

"I think I'm gonna go and sleep or something" Hua says and I nod giving her a thumbs up.

"I'll look after her, you can go too Levi" I assure him, he nods and gives the baby to Xiomara before bolting out of here.

The Death Of UsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu