Would You Be So Kind

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Part Two of Kamadeva of The School


I haven't heard from Aiden in a while...

It's almost as if he's avoiding me...

I need to stop thinking about this, I have to start the live now.

I turn on my laptop to be greeted by hundreds of emails asking for a face reveal, I guess I'll do one soon, I'm not sure when though. I start the live chat and watch as more people come rolling in, "hello! Today's a special day since today I've decided that I will be answering 2 calls! I'll try my absolute best to help with the love you need!" I announce once I see that the amount of people joining slows down, "In five minutes you will be able to call in! My phone number is at the bottom left corner just like always for the people who don't have it yet!"

"Ok! It's time! Call!" The calls come rushing in and I answer as quickly as possible, I put the phone on speaker, "Hello? And who is the lucky person I'll be helping today?" I ask, "Rain Li," a girl's voice answers, "And the lucky boy who stole your heart?" "His name is Axel, he's really nice and helped defend me multiple times, he can be quite cold to people who he isn't friends with though, thankfully I am in one of his closest friend groups. I plan to confess soon, but I don't really know how," Rain explains her situation, "In your position I would send a sweet note to him with a present, the note containing your feelings and the present being something he has wanted for a while but couldn't get!" "I-I'll try that! Thank you! He has wanted a new phone for a while, but he couldn't get it, so I'll get him that!" "Great! Tell me what happens after! I'll be ending the call now! Thank you for supporting us Rain!"

"Ok we have one more call for today! I'll give you 30 seconds to get ready," I say as I put my phone number on the screen again.

Poppy: I wonder who it will be

Rain: ya

"Ok and call!" I announce cheerfully

I answer the phone and put it on speaker, "hello! And who is our second lucky person?" I ask, "Aiden Acharya, I was on here last week but I guess I was just scared to tell her, what if she doesn't actually feel the same way?" I chuckle and take out my guitar once again

Poppy: another song?

Rain: ooohh I hope so!

Jade: she's always doing a song when it's Aiden, I wonder why

Rain: that's true

Jackson: could we do a face reveal after before the live ends?

I chuckle again and reply, "this may take a while but trust me this will explain a lot!"

Aru: I have a question

Poppy: ?

Jade: ?

Rain: ?

Aru: it might seem strange

Aru: how are your lungs are they in pain?

Aiden: um, they're fine? Why?

Aru: Because mine are aching

Aru: think I know why

Aru: I kinda like it though

Aru: you wanna try?

I do my signature smile and continue

Aru: oh would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?

Rain: o-o

Aiden: ...

Aru: you see I'm trying

Aru: to make you know that I like you

Aru: and that's almost enough

Aru: so if you will

Aru: please say I love

Aru: I think it's only fair

Aru: I know that there's some butterflies in there

Aru: could we share?

Aru: because I like you, and it's almost enough

Aru: so if you will, please say I love...

Jade: I- Whats going on now-

Rain: does she like Aiden?-

Aru: we wrote a story

Aru: and you're in my book

Aru: you gotta read my page
Aru: at least take a look!

Aru: where are your manners? You need some time?

Aru: let's swap chests today, that might help you decided!

Aru: Oh would you be so kind as to see that I love you?

Aru: you see I'm trying to tell you that I like you, more than a friend,

Aru: so if you will please say I love

Aru:I think it's only fair, I know that there's some butterflies in there!

Aru: could we share?

Aru: because I like you

Aru: and it's almost enough

Aru: so if you will, please say I love you~

I end the song early and smile

I back my chair up just enough to show my face

"Haha? Face reveal!"

Poppy: Aru?

Rain: O-O

Jade: it's the liar!?

Jackson: I-

"Well Aiden, I'm gonna say this since you aren't, I really like you Aiden! More than a friend! Would you be my boyfriend?" I ask, "Shah?" "Yes wifey?" "Yes I'll be yours if you'll be mine," "I'll be yours any time wifey!"

Rain: aaaawwww cuuutteee

Poppy: ok I don't think she's lying this time-

Jade: ya-

Jackson: lovey smoochy stuff-

Eeyyyoooo author-Chan heerrreee! And yes I did indeed add myself into this one shot! I'm Rain! UwU

I hope you enjoyed this!

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