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LightningGirl: Ok guys!

DaughterOfDeath: you gonna do it now?

BrynneTheBee: Oh~ He's so gonna lose~

LightningGirl: Pft, shut up! This might not even be enough!

DaughterOfDeath: He's gonna fall for you :> no worries

LightiningGirl: Ok! It's time!

FashionTwin: Don't forget the steps!

BrynneTheBee: Make sure he gives it to you!

Aru's POV

Ok, time to go! I run out of the school to see Aiden waiting for me at the school gates.

Act one, make sure he notices me, "Ah! Aiden!" I say, doing the very thing I kept on practicing the entire week. "Hi, so what did you want to talk to me about?" Aiden asked while looking over in my direction.

 Act two, remind him of last week, "Well, remember what you said last week?" I asked looking anywhere but at him, Aiden nodded and waited for me to continue, "Well, I like you!" I manage to get out.

Act three, do it. I run up to him and place my lips on his, I put my hands on his shoulders as I count to 10. 1, he's still surprised. 2, still is. 3, is realizing what's happening. 4, moment of thought. 5, remembers what he needs to do. 6, close to done. 7, almost. 8, so close. 9, just a little longer. 10, he fell, he's gonna do it!

Time Skip Brought To You By Author Idiot!

"Aru~ do I have to~ can you at least give me another try! What you did wasn't fair!" "You never said it was a rule to not do that though!" "Oh come on!"

"I JUST SPENT LIKE OVER TWENTY DOLLARS FOR THIS ICECREAM! THE OTHERS WON'T BE COMING IN LIKE 10 MINUTES! WHY DID I NEED TO BUY IT FOR THEM NOW?!" Aiden yelled out frustrated, "Oh ya! You still need to fall off that bridge for me!" Aru knowing said, enjoying her ice cream with a smile. "But I already bought you icecream," Aiden sighed, "It was part of the deal~" Aru cooed.

~Last Week~

"Hey, Aiden!" "What Aru?" Aiden asked, looking away from Shadowfax, "I want icecream! Can we go buy some!?" Aru suggested, Brynne's eyes glowed, "And after we can jump off the bridge nearby! It'll be so fun!" Aru said happily, Mini looked up from her game of Jenga with Sheela, "I'm pretty sure that bridge isn't too tall, it should be fine, but I'm not doing it!" Mini said with her hand under her chin, making her go into a thinking position. Nikita's eyes sparkled, "MINI IF YOU ARENT DOING IT YOU ARE GOING TO HELP ME WITH MY DRESSES! I JUST NEED YOU TO WEAR THEM!" Mini sighed and then nodded, Nikita pumped her hand up and into the air.

 Aiden looked at all of us and shook his head, "No, I might be able to get some good pictures, but not this week, and not next week, this new book is coming out, I want to be one of the first to get it!" Brynne sighed, "You're starting to sound like Mini." 

Aru frowned, "How about we make a deal?!" Aru asked, Aiden sighed, "Fine, but it needs to be next week," "Ok! How about whoever who can do something to the other person for 10 seconds wins! If I win next week you are going to do it! If you win, I won't bother you next week!" Aiden nodded then continued his reading.

~Ok back to the present!~

"So Nikita, surprisingly, helped me with everything I did today!" Aru 'UwU'-ed. Aiden nodded.

oh god, this is so cringey TOT 

welp! Whatever!


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