Which Hogwarts Houses They Would Be In!

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Aru: Slytherin
Aiden: Hufflepuff
Mini: Ravenclaw
Brynne: Gryffindor
Sheela: Hufflepuff
Nikita: Gryffindor
Rudy: Slytherin

Aru and Aiden would want to keep their relationship a secret since like Aiden's a year older, in other peoples eyes they wouldn't expect them to be together, and people crush on Aiden 24/7. But either mini, aru or rudy would accidentally tell someone, and then the whole school would know

Aru would probably want to play quidditch, but like, Aiden, Mini, and Nikita don't allow her to, seeing that she's like clumsy and all. Aru would probably get into a few fights if someone insults her sisters or friends, but it doesn't last very long, she would probably also get in detention often

Ok you may be thinking, "Aiden? In Hufflepuff? Noooooo, that's not right!" But I put him in Hufflepuff since, he isn't really power hungry? And I wouldn't say he's ambitious? Unless it means his mom's happiness, but that already was covered in book 2, so not Slytherin. Ravenclaw? I don't really think so, he's smart and all, but he doesn't really give me the Ravenclaw vibe, and I just don't think he fits in there. Gryffindor would probably be the one I would choose but, he again just doesn't really seem like he would go there, so Hufflepuff it is! I guess?

Mini would probably spend more time with her friends and sisters more than actual Ravenclaws, she would only be in the dorm to sleep and study

Brynne would be the one who breaks up the fights, she would also play quidditch! Maybe chaser? I'm not sure

Nikita would be like, the one who's overprotective of like Sheela and sometimes Aru. Like when she found out Aru and Aiden were dating, she would like want to smack Aiden, she would probably also get some guys swooning over her, idk she just seems like the type of person boys might like

Sheela would be that calm nice girl everyone loves. She would also be someone people would be scared of! Seeing that she can tell the future, but others would want her to tell their future, whether she can or not

Rudy would be that goofy fun Slytherin! People also find it cool with all his gems and stuff, but he would be so idiotic, he would be like the laughter of the school, you choose if it's in a good or bad way

Rudy and Mini would probably also have a secret relationship, so people still ask Rudy out and sometimes Mini, but they would decline. Mini would always have the urge to make sure Rudy is ok and that he doesn't do anything too stupid.


Ehehehehehehehehe, sorry for no updating in so long 😓 school has been really busy, and I have like no inspection for any of my stories, and whenever I get a idea, I forget to write it down so forget 😓😓😓😓😓 I'll try to post more often!

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