Chapter 8: more than this

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Merediths POV:

I was beginning to get used to this feeling of warmth surrounding me. I could feel the weight of her arm across my torso hugging me close to her. My body was gripped into her rosy embrace, the smell of her fading perfume filling me.
"Addie" i whispered turning over to her face ,which was buried in the crook of my neck. "Mhhh" she groaned lifting her neck to face me.
"Morning" i smiled sweeping her tangled hair away from her eyes.
"Oh my god is it morning already" she laughed sinking back into the sheets of the tiny metal bunk.
"Yeah. So maybe we should get up and... oh god i have to find Cristina" i gasped flinging myself out of the covers and into my scrubs.
"Yeah you should probably do that. Talk later?" She inquired rubbing the tiredness from her eyes.
"Yes of course" i said pecking her on the cheek before leaving the room with a half awake wobble.

I raced down to the pit to find Derek waiting with a coffee. 'Oh no' i though slowly approaching him, i could sense the embarrassment lingering in my face as the blush creeped up my cheeks.
"Morning mer" he greeted handing me a hot cup of silky sweet coffee.
"Oh um thank you Derek" i acknowledged taking it from him graciously.
"Im assuming you were on call since you're in yesterdays scrubs but did you see Addison last night, she didn't come home"

I choked.
"No. No i didn't" i coughed. That word hurt me for some reason. 'Home' i had forgotten for a second that she was Dereks wife and that he was her family. For a moment i had thought that she was mine like really mine. It felt like she was the woman i would come home to, the woman who would bring me coffee, who would kiss me when i was feeling lonely. But she wasn't. She was Addison SHEPHERD.

"Oh ok well can you let me know if you see her. I wanted to talk to her about something" He explained flashing me a caring smile.
"Yes yes of course" i lied. I could feel my heart racing. What did he want to talk to her about?.

He walked away to prepare for his morning aneurism clip leaving me flushed, angry and confused.

Cristinas POV:

I had been with dr Hahn all morning. She was finally letting me in on Cardio and i was revelling in it. I needed to cut something today. After the events of last night i was trying to find things to distract myself and surgery happened to be the best distraction.
"Cristina hey" a voice beckoned from the nurses station.
"Go away Mer" i yelled storming away from her guilty expression.
"Please. I want to explain"
I dragged her into really old guys room as he never said or did anything so it ended up being a very convenient and quiet lunch/drama room.
"I don't have time for this Mer. It's your life - you can do whatever you want. I don't care just don't come crying to me when she breaks your heart or manipulates you. Besides some of us have to work our asses off to get surgeries and this just gets them handed to you on a plate. First Shepherd and now her." I hissed turning away from her.

"That is not fair. You hypocrite. What about Burke ha? He gave you surgeries all the time and you slept with him. An attending!" She screamed back.

"That was different. I loved him and the relationship began slowly. We were going to get married and he was an excellent teacher who taught me much and gave me a love for cardio"

I could tell that i had hurt her. I had implied that she hadn't loved Derek and that this 'thing' with Addison wasn't real.

"Wow, well thank you for being so kindly honest. You were supposed to be my person to support me and make me feel better in difficult times. Forget it, but don't forget that when HE left you i was there. I was there to hold you while you cried for hours. To tell all your friends and family that their efforts had been wasted because he couldn't do it to you. I was there to remind you how talented you are. But i get it. What I've done is sooo unforgivable so ill leave." She expressed. I could see the tears well up in her eyes. She was holding them back and so was i.

She walked out slamming the door firmly behind her leaving me regretful and frustrated.

(3 rd person/ no ones POV)

Meredith stormed out leaving Cristina alone with really old guy. "I wish i was you right now" Cristina huffed placing herself into the sofa beside him.
Meredith paced down to the Er where a mass casualty had happened. "Have you seen Doctor Montgomery Shepherd" she asked one of the nurses.
"Yes she left about an hour ago. She said she needed some fresh air for a little while" the nurse replied, the bags under her eyes were dark and purple.
"Ok thankyou" Meredith smiled walking away.

"Ive got a 37 year old woman with red hair and blue eyes. Traumas to the abdomen and theres a femur fracture on the left side!" A paramedic yelled wheeling an unconscious woman out of the ambulance.

"Oh my god" Bailey cried " thats not some red head, thats Doctor Montgomery Shepherd. Thats Addison!"


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