➻ 4: odd question

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minsoo had her hair tied up into a ponytail and her see-through bangs were laid neatly on her forehead. her dress was as neat as ever; white blouse and blue skirt ironed. she wore a tired expression as she yawned and walked further into the corridor while hugging her books. although her dress and hair were as fresh and neat, her face was tired.

she was pulling up an all-nighter to catch up on the syllabus she has missed in every subject all thanks to jisoo's and joohyuk's notes. but that wasn't all. let's just say she didn't sleep last night, rethinking her life choices after throwing hands on jimin who is the grim reaper of the school and her death can come knocking on her door any moment.

she had been getting glares from everyone since the moment she stepped inside the school property. not to mention jisoo and joohyuk were busy making a presentation on another fight that occurred, starring jeon jimin who took out minsoo's frustration on a boy who was hospitalized. it drives minsoo crazy how the victim's family, the jeons, the students, or the disciplinary board of the school plays it off as if this isn't like raising menaces to society at all.

"look. it's her again." a student who was chatting with her minions in the corridor a few steps ahead of minsoo whisper-yelled as she spotted her walking in their direction.

"damn. should I call her courageous or stupid to show up after literally punching jimin in the face?" the girl whispered back.

'umm. ma'am? I can hear you?'
minsoo thought, sighing internally. something similar has been happening to her since morning and it's insane how she got used to it.

"All I see is an attention-seeking bitch. it's an outdated and cliche way of trying to catch someone's attention if you ask me." the other girl rolled her eyes and intentionally extended her leg for minsoo to trip on it.

noticing it at the last moment it was impossible to dodge but it was do-or-die for minsoo so she just allowed herself to trip but used her arms to stand upside down just the moment she was falling and jumped forward to stand on her feet with her hands in the air.  'thank fucking god I had my shorts on-'

the students stared in awe and clapped before one of them came and helped minsoo collect the books she had dropped. the girl group was embarrassed by what their friend did and they silently skidded away, their friend hissing in annoyance before following them.

"thank you very much." minsoo thanked her before checking if she had all her books and if they were in shape.

"It's not a problem. I just want to say that what you did yesterday or what you did right now, was lit and I guess that little ignorant shit deserved a hell of a lot more than just a punch." the girl ranted. minsoo just awkwardly smiled not knowing what to say or do.

"oh don't be awkward. right now, I have to head to my chemistry class, which is a nightmare I tell you but see you around. I know we're going to see each other a lot in the upcoming time." the girl smiled and walked away, stopping at a distance and waving at her before finally disappearing into one of the classrooms.

minsoo shook her head before walking into her biology classroom. the teacher gave her a single glance before going back to doing his paperwork again. her gaze went to what was written on the board in bold letters.


the first good thing that had happened to minsoo since the day started was having a free period after the exhausting math class and students trying to bring her down here and there.

she was looking around to find herself a seat when she noticed joohyuk, sitting at the back of the classroom near the back door, seriously scribbling something on the notebook. she smiled and skidded towards him, taking a seat beside him.

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