➻ 16: j!m!n @nd m!nsoo pt2

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there was an uproar in the school. everyone was shocked to see someone as daring as minsoo to be competing against jimin which was obviously a losing game. it has been a week since that day but the excitement and eagerness to see one of them being humiliated in front of the whole school hasn't died out. this week was supposed to be a time given to them to gain supporters but none of them bothered to campaign in the campus as both of them knew it would be of no use. one knew he'd get all votes even if he sat down and watched while the other knew she'd not get any of their votes even if she worked her ass off.

"are you sure you want to do this, jimin?" taehyung asked as he sat down on the chair across from jimin's and placed his bag on his lap. he slowly took out a brown package from his bag and gently pushed it towards jimin. "afterall, you won't gain anything from humiliating her, people have done it enough for it to be as interestingly surprising anymore. you, better than anyone, should know that."

"are you saying my plan is cowardly?" jimin asked as he shoved the package in his bag and glared at his twin brother. taehyung's silence was enough to answer his question. jimin couldn't help but feel betrayed as he gritted his teeth and balled his fist.

"if not cowardly, then what?" taehyung asked with a stern face. "everyone, even she herself, knows that she won't be getting any votes. not because she's incompetent but because she is competing against you. you'll get votes not because you're any more competent than her but because you're influential and way scarier than she could ever be."

"are you saying I'm incompetent? and she is better than me?" jimin asked as he slammed his hand on the table making the whole cafeteria turn to them in shock. nobody ever, ever saw the twins fighting and believed that once it happens might as well bring the doom of the world with it. everyone was looking at them with curious eyes, especially joohyuk's and taeyong's.

"i am not implying anything jimin, i'm just saying that if you would expect to truly humiliate her and get your revenge, then you should have challenged her into something that wasn't as biased as this and defeated her fair and square. but you are just making yourself look even more cowardly." taehyung explained with a calm voice. his hands were crossed and his eyes were looking straight into jimin's. his eyes were calm while there was chaos in jimin's. the two were so alike yet so different. "there's still time jimin, stop this."

"you're expecting too much from me taehyung. moreover, humiliating her today is just a stepping stone of my plan, you will have to wait and watch how I slowly step on her pride and she slowly loses everything she cares for." he snickered making taehyung especially uncomfortable.

taehyung was very much bothered by jimin's whole idea of revenge. he was very disappointed even. to think that taehyung did not go out seeking revenge when minsoo was the reason his car, his mother's last memory, crashed; but jimin, just for being slapped once, is going to such lengths just to make her life hell is really disappointed. taehyung had always supported jimin in everything he did because his actions previously made whole to a little sense but right now, he was just acting like a petty, stuck up teenager.

"look jimin, this was the last favour I was left with to spare on you. do not expect me to get you anything or help you in your plan for making minsoo's life hell. neither do I care for her nor do I hate her so keep me out of this." taehyung sighed. he wanted to avoid that girl. she reeked of trouble. from the very first moment she stepped foot in the school, it became a messier place than it used to. she stirred up the plain lives of some specific students who should've been left alone.

taehyung wanted to keep a low profile and avoid messing with her or get involved with her or even her brother because those two were like a flower field with landmines for his father. he cherished the two even though the two hated him to core, it was very obvious. to say his doting for the siblings was completely sincere would be a lie since his motive behind that action is to keep shinhye close to him. it's a food chain. if anything happens to them then his father will definitely not be happy with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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