Hey baghwan...are  you trying to make me a memory loss person..huff...

hoyee..i didn't even bake a cake like every year for her...yes, everyyear i had a habit of celebrating her birthday not only for her but also for everyone...and why i said only me is because i am the only one who remembers everyone birthday's and  hani don't have any intetests in all these things.....uff...zoya leave all these things nd think what to do....think

Huff...there is no time to think for it you dimwit...i scolded myself nd quickly headed to kitchen and searched for anything like a baked item but there is nothing...sadly i opened the fridge door and grinned like a fool.

Hayee...buns...and along with that there are fruits & some cherries..  i quickly took three buns, fruits & cherries out.

I scttered to  cabinet and took a ceramic plate, dry fruits, jam, candles, lighter & a knife.

I quickly placed the buns on the plate and written a happy birthday on it in a circular way and put a smiley on the buns by using jam. I also decorated the whole plate with fruits, cherries & dryfruits by arranged the candels on the buns and sprinted to my room along with holding the decorated plate with knif & lighter...i mean...i went to my old room and walked to closet and took the foam spray & small gift packet.. yes you people heard right...i already bought a gift for her on the last of my exam.

Actually my phuphi...always wanted to ride a scooty but due to lack of time she didn't bought it and slowly she forgotten about it. So i thought to buy a scooty for her as a gift on her birthday. So on the last of my exam i ordered a scooty for her and on the first day of my office...they delivered the scooty to our mansion...i told paan to help me to hide it nd luckily none was there at that time at mansion except paan.

I smiled at the thought of paan who always help me in hiding gifts for me..

I quickly shoved the gift packet which is the scooty keys in one side of my pyjama pocket & the foam spray in othe pocket and took everything in my hands nd headed to phuphi & phupha's room...while i was going towards their room i saw the lights on in their room. I think my phupha is celebrating his wife birthday & spending time with each other.

Haha...it's the right moment to disturb their sweet moment...haha..they always disturb my lovely moments woth abhi now it's time for my small revenge.

I took the foam spray from my pocket and hold it with my other hand. I went to their room nd without knocking on the door i pushed the door suddenly while shouting cheerfully..



"Happy birthday my dear lovely phuphi aka my sweet mother in law"

I yelled with joy while sparying the spary in air without knowing & seeing that there is the other person in there room other than my phupha & phuphi...

I glanced at the whole room there are not there and slowly my eyes roamed over the balcony...and i was stun to saw my hubby...he has a warm smile on his face.

Why did he came hear...i mean he went out to do his office work na... wait....wait...that means he didn't went to do work instead he came to his parents room.

Don't tell me that he came to wish his mom...because he don't do these kind of things.

I glanced at phupha & phuphi...they both are looking at me fondly..phuphi walked to me with a wide smile on her face.

Phuphi: Thankyou  so much choti... even though my husband & chidren won't remember my birthdau but there is still you who always celebrate my birthday everyyear. And i thought that you had forgotten about it today.

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