Do You Have A Library Card?

Start from the beginning

Right... It was time for Karl to pretend he'd never met his finance or his friends before in his life.

Dusk fell over New Hope, and people filed out of the library (Well, apart from the few cyptids here for a late night read). Even the librarian stood and stretched, seemingly bored. Sapnap was surprised to see her emerald-green hair move as if underwater.

Since the others were probably back home, and Sapnap's stomach was growling for sustenance, he didn't argue when Ran suggested they head out.

But Sapnap stopped at the door when somone put a hand in his shoulder. The human whipped around, half expecting to be attacked or something, but all he got was a startled-looking yet kind of cute guy.

Wait a second. Sapnap recognised that shocked look... "Hey you're the guy in the rafters!" Sapnap yelled, causing said guy to recoil suddenly. Sapnap was immediately silenced by a chorus of 'shushes' from the aforementioned cryptids.

"Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to startle you there..." the guy said. He adjusted a pair of multicoloured goggles on his head, which reminded Sapnap fondly of George.

Boo and Ran came back over from where they'd been half way out the door to stand by their friend.

"Hey that's okay, I'm pretty sure I gave you and half the library a fright too... You were the person I saw right? Earlier today?"

"Uh yeah. That was me. Hey, do me a favour and don't tell okay?" he replied sheepishly.

Without hesitation, Sapnap agreed. This guy just seemed... Trustworthy. And maybe Sapnap was a little nervous, or on edge. "Of course bud. I'm just happy I wasn't going mad," he said, and on the emphasis nudged Boo who roled his eyes playfully, "What's you're name anyway?"

"I'm Karl. And uh- who are you?" it might have been his imagination but the human would've sworn that Karl cringed on those last three words.

The mutated beside Sapnap butted in now, "I'm Boo, this is Ran, and that's Sapnap" he answered.

"Well, it was nice to meet you three, maybe we can meet again? It's always fun to see new faces around town."

"Hey great idea!" Sapnap almost shouted, but at the last second remembered the harshness in the  warning he got last time. Book nerds. Sheesh.

Karl laughed. It was... A really nice laugh actually. "Okay Sapnap, see ya around." He waved and walked past the trio and out the door, throwing a hood over his hair.

"See ya."

Ran found himself still a little uncomfortable about that whole situation as the trio walked lazily over the cobblestone paths. If looks had anything to say though, Sapnap came out from that with an entirely different opinion which Boo picked up on straight away.

"Oh Sapnap~ someone's got a crush~" the albino counterpart teased, earning a blush from the human.

"What? No I don't."

Boo looked to Ran, probably prompting him to join in. But Ran wasn't really in the mood so Boo quickly continued himself.

Boo giggled "Oh you so obviously do! 'I'd love to hang out again sometime Karl that sounds like a great idea'"

It was ironic, Ran thought, how quickly Sapnap became flustered despite having teased George and Dream about this same thing so many times.

"I didn't say that!" he protested, crossing his arms as they walked, "besides we only talked to him for like five seconds. I do not have a crush."

Boo deadpaned "Yeah sure, and I'm taller than Ran." he gestured to Ran, who towered over the other two with a frown. "Face it Sapnap, you've got a crush~"

The human scoffed, "It's not like I'm going to stay up late thinking about him or anything."


I had to do it. I had to use the italicised 'oh'. Forgive me. It was meant to be.

If it wasn't already obvious I have zero clue on how to write romance. This is especially unfortunate because this story has romance. Why did I do this to myself? Sorry in advance I guess.

And! I know it's been a long chatper but If you could take a minute to check out sageisgone it would brighten your day!

They recently started a new book called smp stories and it's totally worth a read (remember to leave a vote it you like it).

Sincerely, a wooden button

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