• this town

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inspired by the song this town by Niall Horan 

Dream laid awake against the cool grass. A feeling deep in his chest that still had yet to leave like most things. The clouds were gray but held no sign for downpour, much like how Dream felt inside, but didn't dare to show.

He turned his head to the side to come to face with a yellow dahlia smiling down at him. It's geometric petals were so naturally perfect that he couldn't help but compare it to Fundy. His love. His forever.

He brushed his fingers along the sepals and cupped the bud in his palm. During the few days of this flower's time, it's pollen would be collected and fertilize a new plant, and this one would wilt and later be devoured by the soil. The cycle of all things so beautiful.

The sun creeped out of the clouds and blinded Dream from his daydream. He stood up from the grass and smelled the fresh scent of the forest that could only remind him of one man.

The green cloaked warrior made his way to the center of the city. His eyes were locked down at his feet. They scuffed against the splintered wood and gravel, still following the correct steps he learned so many years before.

The ghost of Fundy's touch guided him through. His hips moving on their own accord, head swaying to an unknown tune. Dream danced with the energy around him and followed their lead. They danced till the lights went down.

His heart swelled as the old lanterns flickered on beneath the resting night sky. He took a few more steps, and just as he dipped down, he felt the lips of a certain someone peck his lips.

Dream opened his eyes looking down at his Fundy. He brought him up and draped his arms over Fundy's shoulders. The gingers raised his eyebrows. "Babe," he whispered into his ear, the name rolled off his tongue so beautifully, Dream could dance to that without a beat. "My father- everyone is watching..." Fundy trailed off.

Dream only smiled and held him close, whispering back sweet reassurances. "If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you." He felt so genuine at that moment, if only Fundy had known about his being at the time. Maybe he wouldn't be smiling almost as wide as his mask.

Dream stepped back and suddenly Fundy was on his knee, holding out a diamond ring. The ginger's voice being drowned out from all the other memories fighting for a way to present itself.

Dream sighed when all went quiet, staring at the sunrise, filling the land with its warmth again. His fingers playing the same diamond ring which was permanently on a string around his neck. And as he looked out into the last shadows of darkness, he saw Fundy standing there with that same beautiful smirk.

"Everything comes back to you."

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