• lights go down

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inspired by the song lights go down by I don't know how but they found me

The ballroom gave off the aura of the rhythmic movements. It was a lawless effort from all the lands to unite for one evening. And despite the true intentions towards this convention, no one felt safe without wielding a weapon by their side.

The warm and decorative lanterns hid the suspicions well underneath their glow. As well as the music keeping everyone calm. As if this night wasn't just a whole charade to end the war, quick and easy.

No individual made an effort to seek one's hand for a dance, especially if they were from another nation. The harsh conditions of the battles still lay heavily on the company's shoulders.

Though there was an itching feeling towards the event, Fundy found it quite amusing to see his fellow commanders wearing something other than their revolutionary attires. It's been fight and battle after another fight and battle. It was nice to share the same discomfort.

He felt a pat on his back and turned to be met with the face of his father. "Fundy, have you seen Tommy and Tubbo around anywhere? I swear they were just beside me," Wilbur asked urgently, still in the headspace of a leader, not taking the friendly invitation to heart like everyone else had.

"Let them go do something stupid. It's been months since they've had the chance to act like kids."

He noticed the shift in Wilbur's expression but it went ignored by elder. "I'm going to go check back at the food table. Tell me if you hear from them."

And so as he watched his own father run off to find the two teens, he caught the stare of a certain masked figure. One who had been his enemy but for the night they were just mutuals. He turned away and put his focus back on his full plate of food. You'd think that after months of barely surviving off of carrots and cattle found in the wild, he'd be more happy to dive into a feast. But even if he was meant to let go of the stress gnawing at him during this night, he couldn't. A distraction was what he needed. A damn good one at best.

Maybe it'd be better if he reverted back to his mischievous antics, only for the night, of course. If Tommy and Tubbo could run around as if there wasn't a war, then maybe he could too.

He brushed off the crumbs of bread that had landed on him earlier and straightened out his dress shirt that was tucked under his suspenders. Making his way over to a crowd that was clearly not a part of L'manburg, easily telling by their uptown fashion and demeaning smirks.

He waited for the perfect timing of which the prize in his eye was left alone. Even if it was only for a split second, he swooped in and claimed the attention of the dirty blond. "Excuse me," Fundy cleared his throat, watching the masked man cast a side glance of acknowledgement his way. "I was wondering if I could catch a dance with you before the night was over, if you don't mind."

The man chuckled, not in the usual cocky tone that was so prominent during a fight, but more of a gleeful one, like a little kid. "In case you haven't noticed, no one seems to be dancing," he pointed.

"Well, not yet, of course. Care to change that?" He held out his hand.

A smile flickered on his face, though it was only just the lower half Fundy could see. The former enemy's hand now guiding him to the dance floor, somehow amplified the volume of the music, overwhelming all of his senses until he could only really focus on one thing...


A dance.

A dance was all it took for the two to be completely enamored by one another. They felt so trapped but comforted under one another's gaze that they couldn't bear to look or listen to the snide comments of the disapproving onlookers.

"Have you always been one to cause quite the ruckus? Or was this intentional?" Dream asked, now guiding the ginger outside. It was more quiet out there and less eyes to go about making their own assumptions.

Fundy laughed quietly, "it's actually been awhile since I've had the chance to disrupt the mood of an entire room." He bit the inside of his cheek, looking off at the sinking sun. "Especially since..."

"Shut up." Dream said, immediately cutting off Fundy's words.

He threw an odd look to the blond, speaking quietly, "Dream..."

"No, Fundy, we don't talk about war. Not when it's just you and me. And not when the lights go down..." he stared at the L'manburgian, watching the thoughts run through his eyes. He was truly a sight and if this weren't the first time he'd actually taken the time to look at the opposing generals son then he'd believe that he'd stop dead in the middle of a battle just to stare at this man.

And though, in that often spoken darkness, laid a thief. Two thiefs, in fact. Unknowingly stealing the hearts of the other that they had both so confidently chose to confide in that night.

Fundy looked out as midnight washed through. His head resting on the shoulder of his enemy. At some moment, a hand fell on top of his. He didn't dare look. If he did then this would feel all too real. Fingers intertwined, the two sharing a content sigh.

Perhaps this is what was intended for the battling nations that gathered for the night. To learn that peace was achievable despite their differences. But everything good must come to an end.

The 'click' of an arrow being loaded into a crossbow was heard.

"Not so cocky without your goons, are you?" An unfortunately familiar voice spoke. Fundy felt himself facepalm in embarrassment.

"I believe Wilbur is looking for you, Tommy. It'd be best if you went back inside."

"But, Fundy—"

Fundy turned, giving off a disapproving glare to the teen. Dream had stayed still, acting as if the outer conversation wasn't even happening. "I'll be fine, Tommy," he flashed the metal of his sword discreetly as to show he was armed, yet he had no intention of actually using it.

Tommy looked disappointed towards the fact he didn't have a reason to use his crossbow. But the two had resumed their silence, ignoring him completely. Once again trapped in nothing but each other. And though they wished they could continue on the rest of their days there.

The sun began to rise and they became enemies once again.

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