• eating flowers

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dream dragged his fiancé out onto the hill. they were far enough from the main cities to see the stars clearly in the pitch black darkness of the night. he pulled fundy down onto the grass and rested his head on his chest. the two were silent, soaking in the quiet of the night that felt so loud within their hearts.

fundy took his arm and wrapped it around dream, pulling him even closer, as if it was possible. "you're so warm," he commented, already holding him like a teddy bear.

dream giggled, littering several kisses against fundys knuckles. "darling, are you cold?" he asked, but fundy just shook his head smiling.

"no, life has just always been warmer with you," he said, hoping that partner could truly understand how much he meant it.
and dream did understand, maybe not in the same way perhaps. even from the first day he met fundy all the clouds in the sky had suddenly dispersed into vapor, into nothing. the sun shone with a new light that provided the flowers with the greatest of nutrients.

he plucked a small dandelion from the root of its stem, its yellow was still visible under the brightness of the moon and stars. Dream reached over behind him and tickled fundys face with the petals, his giggle was mischievous yet cute nonetheless. fundy stared at the flower that the blond had happened assault him with,, and bit it. with the flower in his mouth, shock jumping dream out of his relaxed position, he looked at fundy with wide eyes asking, "did you just eat my flower?"

fundy smiled, "do you want it back?"

dream nodded eagerly, letting fundy pull his chin forward and go into a deep kiss. by the time they pull away, Dream was the one spitting out flower petals and playfully fighting with fundy.

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