• cold nights, warm kisses

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winter, late nights, the usual smp wide gatherings during the holidays. dream had been running around all day with tubbo, bad, and tommy so they could prepare for the night of festivities.

on the invitation there was the option to bring your own plus one... or a date. clearly no one really needed a plus one option, they just liked the idea of dragging their dates with them and having a nice night. but the option definitely did not benefit those who were scared of the idea of their significant others dead father coming up to haunt them for their past traumas. the option did not benefit dream at all.

so during the party, definitely making an effort to display his ways of affection on the down low, he found his fiancé laughing with their friends. his handsome idiot was noticeably standing closer to the fire than everyone else and dream couldn't blame him, he wasn't wearing a jacket. carefully sneaking up to him, he slipped off his sweatshirt and wrapped it around his fiancé's shoulders. "why didn't you bring a jacket?" he whispered into fundys ear.

the fox smiled and kissed dream before he cold scold him anymore . "because your lips are warm enough."

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