• sound of your smile

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dream was talking. going on and on about his newest projects and his excitement was absolutely beautiful. fundy only watched in a awe, paying close attention and memorized the inflection in his voice. even when wearing a mask, fundy didn't need to see dream's face to tell that he was smiling. he loved hearing his smile.

"its," dream poked his husband, breaking him from whatever daydream he was about to get sucked into. "you okay?" he asked. fundy pouted when he heard the smile drop.

he reached out and grabbed dream's hand, dragging over his heart and grinning up at him to assure that he's fine. "just keep talking," he requested.

dream shook his head. "but you look tired, I don't want to keep you up by talking all night."

"dream," fundy groaned. "please, I love the sound of your smile."

he heard a soft breath escape his lover and his cheeks burned with warmth. and so dream continued talking, soon finding less fascination in his projects and more on the sleeping fox in his arms. he knew fundy was likely not listening anymore, but he couldn't get himself to shut up about the cutest faces fundy made when he could tell he was dreaming. the little scrunch in his nose made him want to boop it, but he didn't want to wake him. yeah, he's definitely not going to shut up anytime soon.

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