A message to the world (and Bakugo)

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[Just a heads up, this is a massive trigger warning for the mention of bullying and suicide]

"So, you're getting out of that school? I mean we did get what we needed but still, we could do with more information," Shigiraki said.

"I can't, my cover was starting to seriously slip. If I stayed any longer I would've gotten caught for sure," I explained.

"You did good," Dad said. "For what you had to do, you did well."

"Thanks Dad."

"So, you're staying here now?" Dabi asked.

"Kind of have to, if I stay at home, people will know I just ran out. Plus I'm a bit more comfortable in here."

"I'll stay here too," Mom said. "For the same reasoning as Izuku."

Shigiraki sighed. "I guess I don't mind. There are extra rooms, so you two can stay there."

[Editor's note: In this AU, after the bar hideout was destroyed, the LOV moved between different alleys before settling again in a long abandoned house, most of them staying in there]

Mom and I smiled, as the news everyone was watching finally mentioned something about the recent attack.

"The Shie Hassaikai was finally taken out of the drug business by a group of amazing heroes. Sadly however, during the attack, two people died and another went missing. Mirio Togata, hero alais; Lemillion, was stabbed in the chest twice, after being beaten up. There were no weapons at the scene, and he died a little while after getting to the hospital. And former All Might sidekick, Sir Nighteye,was stabbed with stalagmite, and died in the attack, what people believe to be a few minutes before the other heroes found him," One of the anchors explained.

"The missing student is named Izuku Midoriya, hero alais; Deku. He was last seen by Ochako Uraraka, or Uravity, saying that he was going back for Mirio. People are already deciding to presume him dead, saying that he was probably destroyed by Chisaki," his partner said. "They're also saying that the League of Villains appeared after and stabbed Togata and destroyed Chisaki's quirk."

"This seems to be the best answer right now, but there are still a lot of holes in this theory, and it's too soon to presume him dead. There's a search party going on right now."

Shigiraki turned off the TV. "Midoriya, you somehow left too little evidence, and too much. How did you do that?"

I shrugged, "I kept the knife, does that help?"

"Midoriya, you're not seeing the point."

"And what can you see, Crusty?"


"Shigiraki," Dad and Kurogiri warned. Shigiraki begrudgingly set his hand down. But flipped me off instead. The two just sighed in defeat.

"Hey Crusty!" Dabi called from the kitchen.

"I'm gonna disintegrate both of you one of these days!"

"Calm down, I just wanted to know where the peanut butter was!"

"Dabi, you're not going to eat it straight again," Kurogiri said.

"You can't stop me, Smokey!" This was met with yet another sigh from Kurogiri.

After I finally left the hero life for good, I was given a new phone so no one could contact me as hard as they tried, all emails, texts, calls, all that would be futile. No one got any calls back from the voice-mails sent, no one was responded to from the perhaps dozens of texts sent, nothing was sent back on my end. Communication was dead.

You'll Never Be A Hero [Villain Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now