Secrets are unraveled

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I got home to my mom cooking dinner, as usual, it smelled really good. She turned at me and smiled.

"Izuku! You made it home alright?"

"Yep, it took awhile but I managed," I said with a chuckle. Mom's face changed and she sighed.

"I know this is sudden but, sit down, we need to talk about something over dinner."

"Um... o-ok?" What did I do? Was it som about the recent events?

I sat down at the table and she handed me a plate of food, then set one down for herself. Then she took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry if this sounds very weird but, are you- are you a villain?"

"What?!" I exclaimed. How'd she find out? Did my cover slip at home at some point?"

"Well, it's just that, you've been acting extremely different lately and I wasn't sure if something happened. I mean, you tore down your All Might posters, threw your figurines in your trash bin, replaced the sign on your door... and it's not just that, the way you talk is different, your posture at times can be different, and your eyes... Your eyes read different."

She noticed all of that!? I barely realized I changed much! Has Bakugo noticed? I swallowed what was in my mouth and set my fork down.

"...Yes, yes I am.., it would be hard to cover now I guess... I work for the League of Villains as a spy for UA."

Mom looked at me startled, she then started giggling to herself.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Oh it's just weird... I suppose sense you revealed your secret, I should reveal mine," she said, still laughing.

"Wait, what!?"

"Shh, the neighbors may hear." I shut up at that moment. "Have you ever heard of someone known as The Puppeteer?"

"Yeah, she was a villain that popped up around 1997, then she stopped for awhile and later popped back up earlier this year. She could manipulate people's limbs and move them however she wanted, which is how she earned her name. But no one was able to identify her quirk. Why?"

Mom got up and headed to her room, and came back out with a box. She opened it up and there was the iconic crimson suit, black and white zigzag top piece, silver mask, and black and white boots.

"Where'd you-?" I asked.

"She's me," she said.

"But, your quick is Attraction of Small Objects?"

"'Small' is anything under 7 pounds, I pull at people's nerves or muscles to control them. It's nothing too complicated, after all, I trained my quirk to grab at multiple things at once, as long as all those things don't add up to 7 pounds, I can lift it."

I starred in awe, the technique was so simple to understand if you were using it or hearing about it, however it would be an absolute puzzle to figure out if you didn't know.

"Wait, it you were a villain, why did you encourage my old dream of becoming a hero?" I asked.

"...I just wanted to see you happy, even if it meant giving up my own dream for yours. If you so happened to make it as a hero, I would've retired."

"Well, I suppose this was a nice turn of events for you then." We both started laughing.

It took us a minute to get back to normal, she took the box back in her room and sat back down at the table.

"So, what was your motive?" I asked.

She sat silent for a minute and then said "Underestimation is a powerful tool, Izuku. You should know that, right? Everyone always said my quirk was too weak to do anything. I was bullied and teased all through school because of it. My dream used to be to become a hero. But, anger and a thirst for revenge blocked my sight. I proved them wrong nonetheless but... not in the way little me was hoping for."

"Really? I have a similar motivation." When I said this, Mom perked up.


"Although, the snapping point for me was when I met All Might, he said something along the lines of 'You can't be a hero without a quirk'. My own idol crushed my dreams like they were a bug. Sure, I knew they were a far reach but he knew there was still a chance."

"Heros are never how they present themselves, huh?" She laughed and picked up our empty plates. "Hey, about this 'League of Villains'...

You'll Never Be A Hero [Villain Deku AU]Where stories live. Discover now