Oh my, they don't suspect me?

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I was a bit more cold after that incident with All Might... A lot more distant. Could you blame me? My walls were more sturdy, not as much as say Todoroki-kun, but it was still a challenge to break them. At least, according to my UA classmates...

I was putting on a facade, a mask if you will. They knew nothing about the actual me. You see, a couple of weeks after I got into UA, that man told me about this little thing called the League of Villains. I managed to scope out their leader, and asked if I could join. He wasn't budging at first but when I mentioned I got accepted into UA, and that All Might himself was teaching there, he immediately let me join. Whatever to help them get closer to taking All Might down I guess. Not to mention all of my notes on heros would help them.

They were a small group for a little while but the leader (Tomura Shigiraki), was able to gather some thugs for a bit to help with an attack, it's known as the USJ attack now. And guess what? I helped them know when and where this was taking place, I was their official spy.

No one knew, no one figured it out! I was somehow able to play dumb enough for them not to suspect me! It did help a bit that I didn't know how they were attacking but STILL! And to help me out even more, they act like they're trying to get me because of my quirk! Oh, it feels so GOOD to get away with such a huge task like this!

But back to what I was saying, I told Shigiraki that All Might had a limit, both on how much power he could use and time, and that we could shrink that power somehow. I didn't quite remember the exact amount of time, but I knew there was a limit. So, Shigiraki came up with the idea to send out some villains to distract and wear out All Might before the USJ event started. And it worked! He really can't resist helping people in the name of "justice". The poor soul was all wore out by the time he finished with Nomu that Cementoss had to devirt everyone's attention! Everyone thought I happy he survived, I wasn't, but I was happy about the fact that his limit was pushed, and then was pushed back.

But being a spy on UA isn't the only thing I do, it's not much but I do do some thievery every now and again, it keeps my adrenaline up, tests my speed. It also helps the league, sadly I couldn't keep anything for myself though. But then again, I guess it's my payment. They did so much for me that I had to pay them back somehow. They even made my outfit for me! It was simple, a dark red hoodie with a design on the sides of the hood that mocked All Might's famous fringes. Also dark grey pants, black gloves (to keep off finger prints), a pair of shoes half a size up, and a dark lavender face mask to help hide my identity. Like I said, it was simple, but it was very effective. I think I was caught on cameras once, but they couldn't find out who I was!

"Deku! What are you smiling about? Did something good happen?" Uraraka came up to my desk with an excited look on her face.

"No- I mean, I guess, I don't know..." I muttered. What was I supposed to say to this? What could I make up right now?

"Midoriya! How are you? Are you having a good day?" Iida asked, also quickly coming up to my desk.

"Uh, um, yeah, yeah I am," I said, I was kind of panicking, I won't lie, people randomly coming up to my desk makes me very uncomfortable. I turned back to my notebook and scribbled in what I learned today. There was a villains attack earlier this morning, and of course the heros came to deal with it. Mt. Lady, All Might (of course), and towards the end Midnight showed up. There wasn't much they did that I didn't know, but anything helps. Plus I could add to my list of who they were against.

"Oh, okay then," Uraraka said, a bit disappointed. They kinda knew by now to not bother me when I'm taking notes.

Aizawa sensei came into the room and anyone who was up immediately went to their seat.

"Alright class," he started. "We're going to be more rescue practice."

"We've been doing a lot of that lately," Kirishima said. "Seriously, hate to say it, but it's getting boring."

"I understand, however, it's extremely important if you want to become a hero. Next week we'll be getting into combat training again."

"Plus," I started. "It's good agility practice and training!"

"Midoriya is correct!" Iida said. "We can't only test our strength, then if we were forced into a lone rescue mission, we'd be in danger!"

"Right, now let's get started, half of you will be at Ground Beta, the other half at Ground Gamma. The people at Ground Beta will be Midoriya, Iida,  Aoyama, Asui, Sato, Kirishima, Koda, Jiro, Shoji, and Tokoyami. Which means Todoroki, Bakugo, Sero, Hagakure, Mineta, Yoayorozu, Kaminari, Orjiro, Uraraka, and Ashido will be at Ground Gamma. Understand?" Mr. Aizawa explained. There was a simultaneous "Yes sir!" throughout the room.

"Good, now follow me."


Once we all got into our teams and headed in, Mr. Aizawa explained  further,

"You'll be each of you will have 15 minutes to rescue your person, for anyone on Team Beta, it'll be Midnight, anyone on Gamma, it'll be Mic. Each will go one at a time, you'll be graded on how well you rescue the target as well as how swiftly, the less time, the better."

"So similar to an actual rescue?" Uraraka asked.

"Yes, don't think of this as a test, think of it as the real deal. Now, Sato and Mineta are up first."

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