Todorki's POV

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Why couldn't we go anywhere without a villain attack? We were supposed to train ourselves in the Ground areas. As in work on what we feel needed to be worked on, it was supposed to be full class training, but Izuku was absent and the teachers agreed it was better for us to do that another day, when he was there.

Anyways, I was working on the range of my fire again when someone went on the intercom system, it wasn't a teacher, it sounded like Shigiraki! I stopped my fire and listened, rage filling up inside me already.

"Hello UA students," he said. "I'm pretty sure you all know what's going to happen by now, so just hand Bakugo back over to us and no one will get hurt..."

I heard someone shout, I think it was All Might. Then Shigiraki went back on.

"Well, someone made it clear that you guys don't want that to happen so we're just going to fight you all now."


"You really think we're going to split it even, we're going to split it based on skill!"


I grabbed Bakugo's arm, "Did you forget who's on their team?!"

"She probably overhyped! Deku probably just made her sound scarier than she actually is! I mean, it is Deku, the easily frightened crybaby we're talking about!"

"Oh yeah, one more thing," Shigiraki continued. "We're splitting a couple of you up."

I saw Kurogiri's warp gate out of the corner of my eye and shoved Bakugo back, and got ready to fight. Ashido and Jiro ran up behind me.

"So, we're fighting?" Jiro asked.

"Guess so," I said.

Next thing I know I was falling to the ground after what felt like metal slammed the back of my head. I heard muffled, distorted laughter as I slowly tried to get up and see who hit me.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Bakugo yelled.

"My name isn't important to you yet, just call me Hypnotics," the distorted voice said. His voice sounded so cheerful, it was spine chilling. He was wearing a mask with what looked to be a vent on it. He was also wearing a crimson hoodie with weird lightning bolts on the sides of the hood, black gloves, and steal toed boots.

"Todoroki, you're bleeding!" Jiro exclaimed.

"I'll be fine," I sighed.

"You've got one thick skull!" Hypnotics laughed. "That usually knocks people out cold!"

"Were you really so stupid as to come alone!?" Bakugo shouted, readying his explosions. His hand suddenly went up, and then slammed back down with excruciating force. There was a loud snapping sound and Bakugo let out a scream of extreme pain.

"Who said he was alone?" a woman asked. She turned a corner and revealed herself.

"The Puppeteer!" Ashido shouted.

"Indeed, pleasure to finally meet you kids," she said. "I saw you in the Sports Festival, you really are something, number one."

"Don't call me that!" Bakugo barked.

"Ah yes, the more appropriate term is... jackass." She lifted Bakugo's other arm and did the same thing. Bakugo let out a scream of even bigger pain.

"DID YOU TEAR MY MUSCLES!?!" He screamed.

"Indeed I did," she said calmly.

"Your able to do that?!" I shouted.

Hypnotics slammed me back down again, this time, at my back. I tried to get back up again, but he slammed his foot back down, I heard a snap and a shot of pain went straight up my back.

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